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Table 2.1 : Geographic Coverage of DFO Regions ( Atlantic )
DFO Region Province(s)
Newfoundland and Labrador Newfoundland and Labrador
Quebec Quebec
Gulf Prince Edward Island, Eastern New Brunswick, Northeast Nova Scotia
Maritimes Southern New Brunswick, Southwest Nova Scotia, Eastern Nova Scotia

Source: Fisheries and Oceans Canada , Economic Analysis and Statistics

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Table 3.1 : Crab Fleet, Fishing Effort Profile and Revenue, Newfoundland and Labrador Region, 2004
  Vessel Length Category
<25 ft 25-34 ft 35-64 ft
crab & shrimp crab
Days at sea1 (No.) 71 72 84 65
Days fished1 (No.) 51 56 59 51
Average crew size1 (No.) 2 3 6 5
Number of fishing enterprises 600 1,574 279 651
Quantity of crab landings (kg) 5,989 7,554 60,257 32,514
Revenues from crab landings $28,656 $37,894 $322,122 $174,553
Average price ($/kg) $4.78 $5.02 $5.35 $5.37
% of fishing revenues from crab landings 89% 72% 60% 77%
Revenues from all fisheries $32,339 $52,911 $539,564 $227,109

This table presents average reported values from the Costs and Earnings Survey, 2004 and not the administrative data from the regional DFO catch and effort databases.
1. NL Region had specific definitions for days at sea, days fished and average crew size: (1) Days at sea = any day in which landings of fish were caught for sale but also includes the days required for setting and taking up gear when there are no landings; days when gear is hauled but with no landings; and days spent searching for fish or steaming to and from the fishing grounds. (2) Days fished = any day in which landings of fish were caught for sale. (3) Average crew size = the average number of individuals (skipper plus all deckhands/crew) on board while the vessel was participating in the specified fishery.
Source: Fisheries and Oceans Canada , Economic Analysis and Statistics

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Table 3.2 : Crab Fleet, Fishing Effort and Revenue Profile, Gulf and Quebec Regions, 2004
  Gulf Fishing Area Quebec Fishing Areas
Snow crab Snow crab
19 12A 14 15
Days at sea (No.) 78 34 37 16
Days fished (No.) 74 32 37 16
Average crew size (No.) 4 4 4 4
Number of fishing enterprises 102 9 19 7
Quantity of crab landings (kg) 44,663 19,754 21,265 36,013
Value of crab landings $289,072 $116,106 $109,024 $184,048
Average price ($/kg) $6.47 $5.88 $5.13 $5.11
% of fishing revenues from crab landings 84% 84% 76% 99%
Revenues from all fisheries $346,686 $141,128 $151,446 $185,273

This table presents average reported values from the Costs and Earnings Survey, 2004 and not the administrative data from the regional DFO catch and effort databases.
Source: Fisheries and Oceans Canada , Economic Analysis and Statistics.

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Table 4.1 : Lobster Fishing Areas (LFA), Atlantic Canada
LFA Geographic Location Region
15A, 15B, 16 Lower North Shore Quebec
17A, 17B Anticosti Island Quebec
18A-I Upper and Middle North Shore Quebec
19, 20 A/B, 21 Gaspé Peninsula Quebec
22 Magdalen Islands Quebec
23, 24, 25, 26A, 26B Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence Gulf
27, 28, 29, 30 Eastern Cape Breton Maritimes
31A, 31B, 32, 33 Eastern and South Shore Nova Scotia Maritimes
34 Southwest Nova Scotia Maritimes
35, 36, 37, 38 Bay of Fundy Maritimes

Source: Fisheries and Oceans Canada , Economic Analysis and Statistics.

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Table 4.2 : Lobster Fleet, Fishing Effort and Revenue Profile, Gulf, Maritimes and Quebec Regions, 2004
  Gulf Lobster Fishing Areas (LFA)
23 24 25 26A 26B
Days at sea (No.) 81 66 62 61 58
Days fished (No.) 79 66 62 61 56
Average crew size (No.) 3 3 2 2 3
Number of fishing enterprises 658 604 760 731 238
Quantity of lobster landings(kg) 4,499 9,278 3,277 4,296 4,680
Value of lobster landings $47,463 $102,240 $34,731 $50,548 $58,053
Average price ($/kg) $10.55 $11.02 $10.60 $11.77 $12.40
% of fishing revenues from lobster landings 87% 94% 77% 89% 87%
Revenues from all fisheries $55,065 $108,507 $45,063 $57,029 $66,364

Table 4.2 (continued)
  Maritimes Lobster Fishing Areas
27 28-32 33 34 35-38
Days at sea (No.) 50 63 89 81 102
Days fished (No.) 50 63 89 81 101
Average crew size (No.) 2 2 2 3 3
Number of fishing enterprises/vessels 269 257 474 959 268
Quantity of lobster landings(kg) 3,769 4,485 5,251 17,204 11,943
Value of lobster landings $49,781 $53,508 $58,996 $240,305 $155,834
Average price ($/kg) $13.21 $11.93 $11.24 $13.97 $13.05
% of fishing revenues from lobster landings 96% 96% 96% 98% 96%
Revenues from all fisheries $51,957 $55,817 $61,467 $245,479 $162,435

Table 4.2 (continued)
  Quebec Lobster Fishing Areas
17 20A3-A10 20B1-B4 20B5-B8 21 22 Diversified 22 Specialized
Days at sea (No.) 70 74 96 125 219 80 65
Days fished (No.) 65 74 88 105 176 81 64
Average crew size (No.) 3 3 3 2 2 3 3
Number of fishing enterprises 10 75 51 37 3 24 293
Quantity of lobster landings (kg) 11,496 5,006 4,117 2,310 1,858 9,011 7,572
Value of lobster landings $122,672 $66,587 $55,779 $31,240 $26,112 $97,903 $99,255
Average price ($/kg) $10.67 $13.30 $13.55 $13.53 $14.05 $10.86 $13.11
% of fishing revenues from lobster landings 96% 94% 93% 69% 52% 71% 90%
Revenues from all fisheries $128,365 $72,272 $59,783 $45,474 $50,236 $137,904 $110,402

This table presents average reported values from the Costs and Earnings Survey, 2004 and not the administrative data from the regional DFO catch and effort databases.
Source: Fisheries and Oceans Canada , Economic Analysis and Statistics.

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Table 4.3 : Gross Operating Income, Net Operating Income and Net Income Before Taxes, by LFA, Quebec , Gulf and Maritimes Lobster Fleets, 2004 ($)
LFA Gross operating income Net operating income Net income before taxes
17 39,574 27,552 26,333
20A3-A10 30,736 25,540 24,758
20B1-B4 22,039 15,706 13,897
20B5-B8 16,656 10,994 9,616
21 20,839 15,151 14,504
22 Diversified 69,616 54,164 50,240
22 Specialized 57,643 44,940 41,170
23 17,562 10,607 7,874
24 63,982 54,346 50,731
25 15,473 9,565 7,679
26A 23,672 16,406 12,959
26B 38,510 31,912 29,140
27 21,479 16,750 16,059
28-32 24,008 18,801 18,167
33 23,474 17,167 15,838
34 98,487 84,568 79,046
35-38 67,459 58,625 54,945

Source: Fisheries and Oceans Canada , Economic Analysis and Statistics

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Table 5.1 : Shrimp Fleet, Fishing Effort and Revenue Profile, Newfoundland and Labrador Region, 2004
  35-64 ft
Days at sea1 (No.) 73
Days fished1 (No.) 56
Average crew size1 (No.) 5
Number of fishing enterprises 61
Quantity of shrimp landings 287,906 kg
Value of shrimp landings $286,651
Average price ($/kg) $1.00
% of fishing revenues from shrimp landings 85%
Revenues from all fisheries $340,141

This table presents average reported values from the Costs and Earnings Survey,
2004 and not the administrative data from the regional DFO catch and effort databases.
1. NL Region had specific definitions for days at sea, days fished and average crew size:
(1) Days at sea = any day in which landings of fish were caught for sale but also includes the days required for setting and taking up gear when there are no landings;
days when gear is hauled but with no landings; and days spent searching for fish or steaming to and from the fishing grounds.
(2) Days fished = any day in which landings of fish were caught for sale.
(3) Average crew size = the average number of individuals (skipper plus all deckhands/crew) on board while the vessel was participating in the specified fishery.
Source: Fisheries and Oceans Canada , Economic Analysis and Statistics.

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Table 5.2 : 'Other' Fleet, Fishing Effort and Revenue Profile, Newfoundland and Labrador Region, 2004
  Vessel Length Category
<25 ft 25-34 ft 35-64 ft
Days at sea1 (No.) 95 81 87
Days fished1 (No.) 72 72 77
Average crew size1 (No.) 2 2 5
Number of fishing enterprises 110 258 44
Quantity of landings (kg) 11,784 22, 589 279,215
Value of landings from all fisheries $26,766 $34,800 $292,112

This table presents average reported values from the Costs and Earnings Survey, 2004 and not the administrative data from the regional DFO catch and effort databases.
1. NL Region had specific definitions for days at sea, days fished and average crew size:
(1) Days at sea = any day in which landings of fish were caught for sale but also includes the days required for setting and taking up gear when there are no landings; days when gear is hauled but with no landings; and days spent searching for fish or steaming to and from the fishing grounds.
(2) Days fished = any day in which landings of fish were caught for sale.
(3) Average crew size = the average number of individuals (skipper plus all deckhands/crew)
on board while the vessel was participating in the specified fishery.
Source: Fisheries and Oceans Canada , Economic Analysis and Statistics.

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Table 5.3 : Rock Crab Fleet, Fishing Effort and Revenue Profile, Gulf Region, 2004
Days at sea (No.) 92
Days fished (No.) 91
Average crew size (No.) 2
Number of fishing enterprises 118
Quantity of rock crab landings 25,766 kg
Value of rock crab landings $18,964
Average price ($/kg) $0.74
% of fishing revenues from rock crab landings 28%
Revenues from all fisheries $68,206

This table presents average reported values from the Costs and Earnings Survey,
2004 and not the administrative data from the regional DFO catch and effort databases.
Source: Fisheries and Oceans Canada , Economic Analysis and Statistics.

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Table 5.4 : Inshore Herring Fleet, Fishing Effort and Revenue Profile, Gulf Region, 2004
Days at sea (No.) 83
Days fished (No.) 82
Average crew size (No.) 3
Number of fishing enterprises 2,344
Quantity of inshore herring landings 71,910 kg
Value of inshore herring landings $17,333
Average price ($/kg) $0.24
% of fishing revenues from inshore herring landings 29%
Revenues from all fisheries $60,422

This table presents average reported values from the Costs and Earnings Survey, 2004 and not the administrative data from the regional DFO catch and effort databases.
Source: Fisheries and Oceans Canada , Economic Analysis and Statistics.

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Table 5.5 : Tuna Fleet, Fishing Effort and Revenue Profile, Gulf Region, 2004
Days at sea (No.) 81
Days fished (No.) 78
Average crew size (No.) 2
Number of fishing enterprises 565
Quantity of tuna landings (kg) 1,361
Value of tuna landings $23,399
Average price ($/kg) $17.19
% of fishing revenues from tuna landings 21%
Revenues from all fisheries $111,691

This table presents average reported values from the Costs and Earnings Survey, 2004 and not the administrative data from the regional DFO catch and effort databases.
Source: Fisheries and Oceans Canada , Economic Analysis and Statistics.

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Table 5.6 : Bay of Fundy Scallop Fleet, Fishing Effort and Revenue Profile, Maritimes Region, 2004
Days at sea (No.) 160
Days fished1 (No.) 153
Average crew size (No.) 4
Number of vessels 70
Quantity of scallop landings 283,569 kg
Value of scallop landings $408,881

1. This table presents average reported values from the Costs and Earnings Survey, 2004
and not theadministrative data from the regional DFO catch and effort databases.
Source: Fisheries and Oceans Canada , Economic Analysis and Statistics.

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Table 5.7 : Mixed Fishery Fleet, <45 ft, Fishing Effort and Revenue Profile, Maritimes Region, 2004
Days at sea (No.) 116
Days fished (No.) 110
Average crew size (No.) 3
Number of vessels 359
Quantity of landings 55,727 kg
Value of landings $166,184

This table presents average reported values from the Costs and Earnings Survey, 2004 and not the administrative data from the regional DFO catch and effort databases.
Source: Fisheries and Oceans Canada , Economic Analysis and Statistics.

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Table 6.1 Amortization periods, 2004
Vessel Components - Hull type Number of years
Wood, <35 ft 10
Wood, >=35 ft 15
Fibreglass, <35 ft 15
Fibreglass, >=35 ft 20
Steel, all vessel lengths 25
Aluminum, all vessel lengths 15
Fibreglass/wood, <35 ft 15
Ffibreglass/wood, >=35 ft 20
Electronic equipment 5
Engine 15
Nets/gear 5
Deck equipment 15
Other Depreciation Items
Vehicles used for fishing 7
Onshore facilities 20

Source : DFO Quebec Region, Policy and Economics.

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Table 6.2 : Survey Population, Sample Size and Response Rates, by Fleet and by Region, 2004
Fleet and Region Fleet Population Size Sample Size Fully & Partially-Completed Questionnaires Response Rate1 Fleets in the report
(units) 2 (%)
Newfoundland and Labrador3 crab (and shrimp), 35-64 ft 279 43 30 70% x
  crab, 35-64 ft 651 122 82 67% x
  crab, 25-34 ft 1574 129 109 84% x
  crab, <25 ft 600 64 50 78% x
Gulf snow crab, zone 19 (excluding First Nations) 102 30 25 83% x
  rock crab, zones 23, 25, 26A 118 50 44 88% x
Quebec crab allocation 105 60 37 62%  
  crab, Gaspésie 8 7 6 86%  
  snow crab, zone 12 41 25 2 8%  
  snow crab, zone 12A 9 9 6 67% x
  snow crab, zone 12B 6 6 2 33%  
  snow crab, zone 12C 5 5 2 40%  
  snow crab, zone 13 sentinel 2 2 0 0%  
  snow crab, zone 14 19 19 10 53% x
  snow crab, zone 15 7 7 4 57% x
Maritimes snow crab, zones 20-22 23 13 3 23%  
  snow crab, zones 23-24 49 29 4 14%  
Newfoundland and Labrador3 shrimp, 35-64 ft 61 33 22 67% x
Gulf n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a  
Quebec shrimp allocation 17 17 10 59%  
  shrimp, other 1 1 1 100%  
  shrimp, Group A 4 4 3 75%  
Maritimes shrimp, mobile, <65 ft 8 8 1 13%  
Newfoundland and Labrador3 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a  
Gulf lobster, zone 23 658 53 53 100% x
  lobster, zone 24 604 42 36 86% x
  lobster, zone 25 760 79 79 100% x
  lobster, zone 26A 731 63 55 87% x
  lobster, zone 26B 238 39 33 85% x
Quebec lobster, zone 15 5 5 4 80%  
  lobster, zone 16 5 3 2 67%  
  lobster, zone 17 10 9 6 67% x
  lobster, zone 19 7 7 4 57%  
  lobster, zones 20A1 and 20A2 29 28 6 21%  
  lobster, zones 20A3-20A10 75 41 35 85% x
  lobster, zones 20B1-20B4 51 27 25 93% x
  lobster, zones 20B5-20B8 37 26 25 96% x
  lobster, zone 21 3 3 3 100% x
  lobster, zone 22 diversified 24 13 11 85% x
  lobster, zone 22, specialists 293 57 41 72% x
Maritimes lobster, zone 27 269 35 35 100% x
  lobster, zones 28-32 257 34 31 91% x
  lobster, zone 33 474 51 43 84% x
  lobster, zone 34 959 71 37 52% x
  lobster, zones 35-384 268 73 21 29% x
Newfoundland and Labrador3 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a  
Gulf n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a  
Quebec scallop, zone 19 1 1 1 100%  
  scallop, zone 20 2 2 2 100%  
Maritimes scallop, full Bay of Fundy 70 34 15 44% x
  scallop, <65 ft 30 22 1 5%  
Newfoundland and Labrador3 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a  
Gulf inshore herring, zones 16B, 16CE, 16F, 16G 2344 70 61 87% x
Quebec herring, Gaspésie/Îles-de-la-Madeleine 10 10 6 60%  
Maritimes herring, purse seine 11 11 1 9%  
Newfoundland and Labrador3 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a  
Gulf tuna, Gulf (NB, NS, PEI ) 565 30 22 73% x
Quebec n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a  
Maritimes bluefin tuna, SWNS 22 13 3 23%  
Newfoundland and Labrador3 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a  
Gulf n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a  
Quebec groundfish , <35 ft, Côte-Nord 11 9 3 33%  
  groundfish , <45 ft, Gaspe 2 1 1 100%  
Maritimes groundfish , longline, <45 ft 55 44 13 30%  
  groundfish, longline, 45-64 ft 3 3 0 0%  
  groundfish, mobile, <65 ft 77 46 18 39%  
  groundfish, other, <65 ft 23 19 4 21%  
Newfoundland and Labrador3 fisheries other than crab or shrimp, 35-64 ft 44 18 10 56% x
  fisheries other than crab or shrimp, 25-34 ft 258 70 57 81% x
  fisheries other than crab or shrimp, <25 ft 110 48 41 85% x
Gulf n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a  
Quebec turbot, <45 ft, outside Côte-Nord 48 27 3 11%  
  turbot, <45 ft, Côte-Nord 8 6 5 83%  
  mackerel, Îles-de-la-Madeleine 4 4 3 75%  
Maritimes mixed fishery, <45 ft 359 71 37 52% x
  mixed fishery, 45-64 ft 70 20 7 35%  

1. The response rates shown in this table are based on the ratio of completed and partially-completed questionnaires to the final sample size. Each region developed its own methodology to define the fleets to be surveyed and to establish the sample sizes. Note that in some of the regional fleets, there may have been adjustments to the original sample size, depending on the results of the initial data collection efforts.
Survey data collection was conducted through personal interviews with respondents.
2. In the following regions, the statistical units refer to fishing enterprises that usually own one primary fishing vessel (and possibly one or more smaller secondary vessels): Newfoundland and Labrador , Gulf and Quebec.
In the Maritimes region, the statistical units pertain to vessel-based operations. However, most fishing enterprises in the Maritimes also own one primary fishing vessel. The estimates of presented in the tables are based on the overall operations of a fishing enterprise.
3. In the Newfoundland and Labrador region, a fishing enterprise is defined as a fishing unit comprised of all licences, vessels, gear and facilities held by the licence holder. Only active enterprises, i.e., enterprises that recorded landed values during 2004 with total landed values of $10,000 or more were sampled.
4. The Maritimes sample for lobster fleet LFA 35-38 included vessels with a lobster licence in LFAs 35, 36, 37 and 38 with landed value of at least $10,000 and at least 75% of landed value from lobster. However, at the end of the data collection period, there were no survey responses from LFA 38 lobster fishers.
Source: DFO Regions, Policy and Economics.

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