ARCHIVED - 2004 Costs and Earnings Survey, Atlantic Region

2004 Costs and Earnings Survey, Atlantic Region
(PDF, 1.8 MB)
This report presents the Atlantic Region results of the 2004 Costs and Earnings Survey (C&E). The C&E was a voluntary survey that collected information on activities related to fishing operations, including vessel characteristics, fishing effort, fishing and other revenues, vessel acquisition costs, operating and maintenance expenses, other revenues and long-term debt position.
Table of Contents
- 1 Atlantic Fishing Industry Overview
- 1.1 Commercial Landings
- 1.2 Contribution to the Economy
- Gross Domestic Product and Employment
- International Trade
- 2.1 Concepts, Terms and Definitions
- 2.2 Scope and Structure of the Report
- 3.1 Overview
- 3.2 Newfoundland and Labrador Region
- 3.2.1 Fishing Revenues and Fishing Effort
- 3.2.2 Operating and Maintenance Expenses
- 3.2.3 Financial Performance
- 3.3 Gulf and Quebec Regions
- 3.3.1 Fishing Revenues and Fishing Effort
- 3.3.2 Operating and Maintenance Expenses
- 3.3.3 Financial Performance
- 4.1 Overview
- 4.2 Gulf, Quebec and Maritimes Regions
- 4.2.1 Fishing Revenues and Fishing Effort
- 4.2.2 Operating and Maintenance Expenses
- 4.2.3 Financial Performance
- 5.1 Newfoundland and Labrador Shrimp Fleet
- 5.1.1 Overview
- 5.1.2 Fishing Revenues and Fishing Effort
- 5.1.3 Operating and Maintenance Expenses
- 5.1.4 Financial Performance
- 5.2 Newfoundland and Labrador 'Other' Fleet
- 5.2.1 Overview
- 5.2.2 Fishing Revenues and Fishing Effort
- 5.2.3 Operating and Maintenance Expenses
- 5.2.4 Financial Performance
- 5.3 Gulf Rock Crab Fleet
- 5.3.1 Overview
- 5.3.2 Fishing Revenues and Fishing Effort
- 5.3.3 Operating and Maintenance Expenses
- 5.3.4 Financial Performance
- 5.4 Gulf Inshore Herring Fleet
- 5.4.1 Overview
- 5.4.2 Fishing Revenues and Fishing Effort
- 5.4.3 Operating and Maintenance Expenses
- 5.4.4 Financial Performance
- 5.5 Gulf Tuna Fleet
- 5.5.1 Overview
- 5.5.2 Fishing Revenues and Fishing Effort
- 5.5.3 Operating and Maintenance Expenses
- 5.5.4 Financial Performance
- 5.6 Maritimes Bay of Fundy Scallop Fleet
- 5.6.1 Overview
- 5.6.2 Fishing Revenues and Fishing Effort
- 5.6.3 Operating and Maintenance Expenses
- 5.6.4 Financial Performance
- 5.7 Maritimes Mixed Fishery Fleet
- 5.7.1 Overview
- 5.7.2 Fishing Revenues and Fishing Effort
- 5.7.3 Operating and Maintenance Expenses
- 5.7.4 Financial Performance
- 6.1 Survey Design
- 6.2 Survey Sample
- 6.3 Data Collection and Processing
- 6.4 Survey Response Rates
- 6.5 Data Quality
- 6.6 Data Limitations
- 6.6.1 Average Reported Values
- 6.6.2 Depreciation
- 6.6.3 Other Revenues, Long-term Debt and Cash Flow
- 6.6.4 Data Comparability
- 6.7 Future Survey Considerations
- Summary of Tables
- Annex A: Statistical Tables
- Annex B: Questionnaire (PDF format only, 72 KB)
- Date modified: