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Annex A: Statistical Tables

Table A.1 : Crab Fleet, Operating and Maintenance Expenses by Vessel Length Category, Newfoundland and Labrador Region, 2004 ($)
Operating and Maintenance Expenses2 Vessel Length Category
<25 ft 25-34 ft 35-64 ft¹
crab & shrimp crab
Labour3 9,864 20,930 217,066 110,460
Fuel, oil and grease 2,102 3,092 41,567 10,135
Food 113 632 5,194 2,297
Bait 1,113 1,939 12,933 7,328
Ice and salt4 44 71 0 168
Nets and gear5 1,866 2,091 10,539 4,903
Dockside monitoring charges 269 413 4,158 1,584
Vessel repairs and maintenance 376 968 13,931 3,036
Transport Canada ship safety inspection fees 7 47 461 269
On-shore facilities maintenance costs 187 582 1,994 578
Federal port charges 39 98 795 480
At-sea-observer charges 46 93 2,347 483
Fishing licence fees 427 653 3,279 2,095
Storage of boat and gear 66 104 1,562 498
Union or association dues6 145 158 344 185
Special agreements7 0 17 0 17
Marketing Board ... ... ... ...
Vessel insurance 65 387 21,039 6,683
Accounting fees 76 105 2,268 803
Professional and administrative fees 24 38 2,389 279
Lease of quotas ... ... ... ...
Leasing and rental of vessel, nets and/or gear 39 115 2,506 1,602
Vehicle expenses for fishing8 1,593 2,453 8,245 4,743
Municipal charges9 10 10 73 137
Other10 1,032 583 4,406 2,340
Total operating and maintenance expenses 19,502 35,579 357,095 161,105

Figures may not add up to total due to rounding.
1. Survey results for this vessel length category are further divided into two groups, as defined in the Newfoundland and Labrador region's sampling plan: 35-64 ft crab and shrimp and 35-64 ft crab.
2. Operating and maintenance expenses related to fishing operations/activities, i.e., all fisheries (main fishery and other fisheries) that the vessels were involved in during 2004. Expenses pertaining to non-fishing activities of the enterprise are excluded from the estimates in this table.
3. The estimates of labour expenses include the amount paid to hired skipper and amount paid to crew net of crew contribution to operating expenses. However, labour expenses do not include the amount paid to owner(s) or owner(s) employed as crew.
4. Low or no costs due to the fact that ice is generally provided by the processing sector. A portion of the fleet also uses refrigerated sea water (RSW).
5. Amount spent on repairs to nets/gear, including any applicable material and labour expenses and the replacement and purchase of additional nets/gear if purchased in 2004.
6. Excludes union or association dues for crew unless paid by owner.
7. Expenses related to special agreements are any costs associated with joint projects agreements (JPAs). JPAs are legally binding contracts between DFO and a constituted organization (licence holders) to carry out a project related to management of the fishery.
8. As claimed for income tax purposes, including insurance.
9. Property taxes, water, permits charged to fishing harvesting enterprise.
10. All other operating and maintenance expenses related to fishing operations that were not included in the preceding categories. Examples are miscellaneous expenses for safety courses & training, other boat and office supplies, phone charges, equipment rental, etc.
Source: Fisheries and Oceans Canada , Economic Analysis and Statistics.

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Table A.2 : Crab Fleet, Financial Performance by Vessel Length Category, Newfoundland and Labrador Region, 2004 ($)
  Vessel Length Category
<25 ft 25-34 ft 35-64 ft¹
crab & shrimp crab
Total fishing revenues2 32,339 52,911 539,564 227,109
Total operating and maintenance expenses3 19,502 35,579 357,095 161,105
Gross operating income (loss) 12,837 17,332 182,469 66,004
less: Depreciation4 3,091 5,628 54,791 19,611
Net operating income (loss) 9,746 11,704 127,679 46,393
less: Interest expense5 15 506 13,955 3,263
Net income before taxes 9,731 11,198 113,724 43,129

Figures may not add up to total due to rounding.
1. Survey results for this vessel length category are further divided into two groups, as defined in the Newfoundland and Labrador region's sampling plan: 35-64 ft crab and shrimp and 35-64 ft crab.
2. Gross receipts based on the value of landings in all fisheries reported in the survey, i.e., main fishery and other fisheries that the vessels were involved in during 2004. Other revenues such as lease of quotas, revenues from alternative uses of fishing vessels, and government transfers relative to fishing operations are excluded from the estimates in this table.
3. Operating and maintenance expenses include those expenses related to fishing operations/activities , i.e., all fisheries (main fishery and other fisheries) that the vessels were involved in during 2004. The estimates of labour expenses include the amount paid to hired skipper and amount paid to crew net of crew contribution to operating expenses.
However, labour expenses do not include the amount paid to owner(s) or owner(s) employed as crew. Also excluded are expenses pertaining to non-fishing activities of the enterprise.
4. Depreciation estimates are based on the definition of economic depreciation or the loss in fair market value of the capital assets.
This definition should not be confused with tax depreciation (capital cost allowance). The estimates presented in this table include vessel depreciation as well as depreciation for fishing-operations' share of vehicles and on-shore facilities.
Also included are depreciation estimates for major alterations, additions or improvements, individually valued at over $3,000, made to fishing vessels.
5. Interest expense based on amount of interest payments made during 2004.
Source: Fisheries and Oceans Canada , Economic Analysis and Statistics.

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Table A.3 : Crab Fleet, Operating and Maintenance Expenses by Fishing Area, Gulf and Quebec Regions, 2004 - Snow Crab ($)
Operating and Maintenance Expenses¹ Gulf Fishing Area Quebec Fishing Areas
19 12A 14
Labour2 53,459 46,724 36,417
Fuel, oil and grease 7,554 3,269 6,537
Food 0 1,910 2,323
Bait 9,331 3,366 1,652
Ice and salt 0 271 0
Nets and gear3 2,087 5,487 4,008
Dockside monitoring charges 2,006 2,138 1,927
Vessel repairs and maintenance 3,481 6,395 6,415
Transport Canada ship safety inspection fees 40 274 35
On-shore facilities maintenance costs 320 333 56
Federal port charges 842 283 10
At-sea-observer charges 10 1,690 583
Fishing licence fees 4,148 2,246 1,397
Storage of boat and gear 135 987 689
Union or association dues4 440 45 297
Special agreements5 272 0 0
Marketing Board 0 392 169
Vessel insurance 3,502 2,462 4,128
Accounting fees 1,515 815 544
Professional and administrative fees 446 25 851
Lease of quotas 0 0 182
Leasing and rental of vessel, nets and/or gear 0 0 0
Vehicle expenses for fishing6 5,230 3,280 767
Municipal charges7 11 81 161
Other8 567 573 3,885
Total operating and maintenance expenses 95,396 83,045 73,034

Figures may not add up to total due to rounding.
1. Operating and maintenance expenses related to fishing operations/activities in all fisheries, i.e., all fisheries (main fishery and other fisheries) that the vessels were involved in during 2004. Expenses pertaining to non-fishing activities of the enterprise are excluded from the estimates in this table.
2. The estimates of labour expenses include the amount paid to hired skipper and amount paid to crew net of crew contribution to operating expenses. However, labour expenses do not include the amount paid to owner(s) or owner(s) employed as crew.
3. Amount spent on repairs to nets/gear, including any applicable material and labour expenses and the replacement and purchase of additional nets/gear if purchased in 2004.
4. Excludes union or association dues for crew unless paid by owner.
5. Expenses related to special agreements are any costs associated with joint projects agreements (JPAs). JPAs are legally binding contracts between DFO and a constituted organization (licence holders) to carry out a project related to management of the fishery.
6. As claimed for income tax purposes, including insurance.
7. Property taxes, water, permits charged to fishing harvesting enterprise.
8. All other operating and maintenance expenses related to fishing operations that were not included in the preceding categories. Examples are miscellaneous expenses for safety courses & training, other boat and office supplies, phone charges, equipment rental, etc.
Source: Fisheries and Oceans Canada , Economic Analysis and Statistics.

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Table A.4 : Crab Fleet, Financial Performance by Fishing Area, Gulf and Quebec Regions, 2004 - Snow Crab ($)
  Gulf Fishing Areas Quebec Fishing Areas
19 12A 14 15
Total fishing revenues¹ 346,686 141,128 151,446 185,273
Total operating and maintenance expensess2 95,396 83,045 73,034 122,376
Gross operating income (loss) 251,290 58,083 78,412 62,897
less: Depreciation3 15,435 12,849 10,729 11,387
Net operating income (loss) 235,855 45,233 67,684 51,510
less: Interest expense4 6,989 3,225 2,946 4,974
Net income before taxes 228,866 42,009 64,738 46,536

Figures may not add up to total due to rounding.
1. Gross receipts based on the value of landings in all fisheries reported in the survey, i.e., main fishery and other fisheries that the vessels were involved in during 2004. Other revenues such as lease of quotas, revenues from alternative uses of fishing vessels, and government transfers relative to fishing operations are excluded from the estimates in this table.
2. Operating and maintenance expenses include those expenses related to fishing operations/activities, i.e., all fisheries (main fishery and other fisheries) that the vessels were involved in during 2004. The estimates of labour expenses include the amount paid to hired skipper and amount paid to crew net of crew contribution to operating expenses. However, labour expenses do not include the amount paid to owner(s) or owner(s) employed as crew. Also excluded are expenses pertaining to non-fishing activities of the enterprise.
3. Depreciation estimates are based on the definition of economic depreciation or the loss in fair market value of the capital assets. This definition. should not be confused with tax depreciation (capital cost allowance). The estimates presented in this table include vessel depreciation as well as depreciation for fishing-operations' share of vehicles and on-shore facilities.
Also included are depreciation estimates for major alterations, additions or improvements, individually valued at over $3,000, made to fishing vessels.
4. Interest expense based on amount of interest payments made during 2004.
Source: Fisheries and Oceans Canada , Economic Analysis and Statistics.

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Table A.5 : Lobster Fleet, Operating and Maintenance Expenses by Fishing Area, Gulf, Quebec and Maritimes Regions, 2004 ($)
Operating and Maintenance Expenses¹ Gulf Fishing Areas
23 24 25 26A 26B
Labour2 14,583 17,509 9,604 10,279 11,636
Fuel, oil and grease 4,844 3,707 4,680 3,327 2,526
Food 97 22 463 96 0
Bait 4,658 5,679 4,310 4,154 3,589
Ice and salt 11 0 99 12 0
Nets and gear3 2,286 3,990 2,117 3,299 2,250
Dockside monitoring charges 65 131 105 145 3
Vessel repairs and maintenance 3,216 1,999 1,849 2,056 1,393
Transport Canada ship safety inspection fees 0 35 1 18 0
On-shore facilities maintenance costs 199 1,066 363 829 184
Federal port charges 406 398 401 435 337
At-sea-observer charges 2 0 10 0 0
Fishing licence fees 568 686 602 611 632
Storage of boat and gear 319 608 403 346 371
Union or association dues4 247 248 206 131 378
Special agreements5 0 0 0 0 0
Marketing Board 0 0 6 0 0
Vessel insurance 1,181 1,130 954 1,102 1,206
Accounting fees 350 591 322 373 500
Professional and administrative fees 85 24 17 402 121
Lease of quotas 166 0 0 0 0
Leasing and rental of vessel, nets and/or gear 111 111 15 0 0
Vehicle expenses for fishing6 3,801 4,633 2,041 3,781 2,725
Municipal charges7 34 78 82 29 3
Other8 274 1,881 939 1,933 0
Total operating and maintenance expenses 37,503 44,525 29,589 33,357 27,854

Table A.5 (continued)
Operating and Maintenance Expenses¹ Quebec Fishing Areas
17 20A3-A10 20B1-B4 20B5-B8 21 22 Diversified 22 Specialized
Labour2 33,365 21,945 18,905 11,104 12,342 23,792 18,243
Fuel, oil and grease 10,354 2,871 3,678 3,776 4,211 6,294 5,544
Food 4,233 56 382 532 390 850 561
Bait 8,672 5,719 5,156 2,652 2,785 9,059 7,489
Ice and salt 92 69 14 75 0 123 198
Nets and gear3 5,190 2,782 2,650 2,795 1,942 7,801 4,673
Dockside monitoring charges 283 120 58 129 0 234 115
Vessel repairs and maintenance 9,061 1,594 1,601 1,620 2,674 6,856 3,673
Transport Canada ship safety inspection fees 125 13 33 36 0 90 63
On-shore facilities maintenance costs 1,079 381 439 858 580 869 747
Federal port charges 396 208 176 141 0 447 459
At-sea-observer charges 132 52 42 45 67 36 72
Fishing licence fees 907 306 283 307 420 1,089 998
Storage of boat and gear 865 197 240 175 0 924 652
Union or association dues4 112 161 106 72 50 609 219
Special agreements5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Marketing Board 97 0 0 0 0 648 536
Vessel insurance 4,126 982 887 1,008 612 2,480 2,109
Accounting fees 1,580 612 247 309 233 792 732
Professional and administrative fees 696 39 77 198 306 143 119
Lease of quotas 0 0 0 0 0 291 1,104
Leasing and rental of vessel, nets and/or gear 0 286 120 0 0 0 0
Vehicle expenses for fishing6 3,354 2,460 1,921 1,874 2,008 3,124 2,879
Municipal charges7 600 139 112 158 517 477 284
Other8 3,474 545 617 956 262 1,260 1,293
Total operating and maintenance expenses 88,791 41,536 37,744 28,818 29,397 68,288 52,760

Table A.5 (continued)
Operating and Maintenance Expenses¹ Maritimes Fishing Areas
27 28-32 33 34 35-389
Labour2 13,298 12,835 14,674 89,674 55,313
Fuel, oil and grease 2,819 2,941 3,760 9,041 5,482
Food 27 76 232 1,087 475
Bait 3,854 4,150 4,079 13,852 8,152
Ice and salt 37 92 273 70 139
Nets and gear3 2,640 2,156 3,167 9,503 7,102
Dockside monitoring charges 42 82 129 87 19
Vessel repairs and maintenance 1,431 1,324 2,209 5,510 3,842
Transport Canada ship safety inspection fees 13 0 174 363 405
On-shore facilities maintenance costs 214 90 1,338 199 925
Federal port charges 302 274 188 755 226
At-sea-observer charges 18 0 0 0 0
Fishing licence fees 753 1,781 526 2,586 517
Storage of boat and gear 184 99 29 264 67
Union or association dues4 139 106 175 293 197
Special agreements5 0 17 0 0 0
Marketing Board 0 0 0 0 17
Vessel insurance 964 1,134 1,303 3,157 2,049
Accounting fees 379 502 344 1,201 1,061
Professional and administrative fees 45 273 788 849 333
Lease of quotas 0 0 0 198 0
Leasing and rental of vessel, nets and/or gear 0 0 2 806 0
Vehicle expenses for fishing6 3,218 2,791 3,639 5,305 6,343
Municipal charges7 45 90 183 105 250
Other8 56 998 779 2,085 2,062
Total operating and maintenance expenses 30,478 31,810 37,993 146,992 94,976

Figures may not add up to total due to rounding.
1. Operating and maintenance expenses related to fishing operations/activities , i.e., all fisheries (main fishery and other fisheries) that the vessels were involved in during 2004. Expenses pertaining to non-fishing activities of the enterprise are excluded from the estimates in this table.
2. The estimates of labour expenses include the amount paid to hired skipper and amount paid to crew net of crew contribution to operating expenses. However, labour expenses do not include the amount paid to owner(s) or owner(s) employed as crew.
3. Amount spent on repairs to nets/gear, including any applicable material and labour expenses and the replacement and purchase of additional nets/gear if purchased in 2004.
4. Excludes union or association dues for crew unless paid by owner.
5. Expenses related to special agreements are any costs associated with joint projects agreements (JPAs). JPAs are legally binding contracts between DFO and a constituted organization (licence holders) to carry out a project related to management of the fishery.
6. As claimed for income tax purposes, including insurance.
7. Property taxes, water, permits charged to fishing harvesting enterprise.
8. All other operating and maintenance expenses related to fishing operations that were not included in the preceding categories. Examples are miscellaneous expenses for safety courses & training, other boat and office supplies, phone charges, equipment rental, etc.
9. The Maritimes sample for lobster fleet LFA 35-38 included vessels with a lobster licence in LFAs 35, 36, 37 and 38
with landed value of at least $10,000 and at least 75% of landed value from lobster. However, at the end of the data collection period, there were no survey responses from LFA 38 lobster fishers.
Source: Fisheries and Oceans Canada , Economic Analysis and Statistics.

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Table A.6 : Lobster Fleet, Financial Performance by Fishing Area, Gulf, Quebec and Maritimes Regions, 2004 ($)
  Gulf Fishing Areas
23 24 25 26A 26B
Total fishing revenues¹ 55,065 108,507 45,063 57,029 66,364
Total operating and maintenance expenses2 37,503 44,525 29,589 33,357 27,854
Gross operating income (loss) 17,562 63,982 15,473 23,672 38,510
less: Depreciation3 6,955 9,636 5,909 7,266 6,598
Net operating income (loss) 10,607 54,346 9,565 16,406 31,912
less: Interest expense4 2,734 3,614 1,885 3,447 2,772
Net income before taxes 7,874 50,731 7,679 12,959 29,140

Table A.6 (continued)
  Quebec Fishing Areas
17 20A3-A10 20B1-B4 20B5-B8 21 22 Diversified 22 Specialized
Total fishing revenues¹ 128,365 72,272 59,783 45,474 50,236 137,904 110,402
Total operating and maintenance expenses2 88,791 41,536 37,744 28,818 29,397 68,288 52,759
Gross operating income (loss) 39,574 30,736 22,039 16,656 20,839 69,616 57,643
less: Depreciation3 12,022 5,196 6,332 5,662 5,687 15,452 12,702
Net operating income (loss) 27,552 25,540 15,706 10,994 15,151 54,164 44,940
less: Interest expense4 1,218 782 1,810 1,378 647 3,924 3,770
Net income before taxes 26,333 24,758 13,897 9,616 14,504 50,240 41,170

Table A.6 (continued)
  Maritimes Fishing Areas
27 28-32 33 34 35-385
Total fishing revenues¹ 51,957 55,817 61,467 245,479 162,435
Total operating and maintenance expenses2 30,478 31,810 37,993 146,992 94,976
Gross operating income (loss) 21,479 24,008 23,474 98,487 67,459
less: Depreciation3 4,729 5,207 6,307 13,920 8,834
Net operating income (loss) 16,750 18,801 17,167 84,568 58,625
less: Interest expense4 691 633 1,329 5,522 3,680
Net income before taxes 16,059 18,167 15,838 79,046 54,945

Figures may not add up to total due to rounding.
1. Gross receipts based on the value of landings in all fisheries reported in the survey, i.e., main fishery and other fisheries that the vessels were involved in during 2004. Other revenues such as lease of quotas, revenues from alternative uses of fishing vessels, and government transfers relative to fishing operations are excluded from the estimates in this table.
2. Operating and maintenance expenses include those expenses related to fishing operations/activities , i.e., all fisheries (main fishery and other fisheries) that the vessels were involved in during 2004. The estimates of labour expenses include the amount paid to hired skipper and amount paid to crew net of crew contribution to operating expenses. However, labour expenses do not include the amount paid to owner(s) or owner(s) employed as crew. Also excluded are expenses pertaining to non-fishing activities of the enterprise.
3. Depreciation estimates are based on the definition of economic depreciation or the loss in fair market value of the capital assets.
This definition should not be confused with tax depreciation (capital cost allowance). The estimates presented in this table include vessel depreciation as well as depreciation for fishing-operations' share of vehicles and on-shore facilities. Also included are depreciation estimates for major alterations, additions or improvements, individually valued at over $3,000, made to fishing vessels.
4. Interest expense based on amount of interest payments made during 2004.
5. The Maritimes sample for lobster fleet LFA 35-38 included vessels with a lobster licence in LFAs 35, 36, 37 and 38 with landed value of at least $10,000 and at least 75% of landed value from lobster. However, at the end of the data collection period, there were no survey responses from LFA 38 lobster fishers.
Source: Fisheries and Oceans Canada , Economic Analysis and Statistics

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Table A.7 : Shrimp Fleet (35-64 ft Vessels), Operating and Maintenance Expenses, Newfoundland and Labrador Region, 2004
Operating and Maintenance Expenses¹ ($)
Labour2 122,458
Fuel, oil and grease 47,552
Food 5,342
Bait 2,727
Ice and salt 705
Nets and gear3 11,322
Dockside monitoring charges 5,334
Vessel repairs and maintenance 10,446
Transport Canada ship safety inspection fees 954
On-shore facilities maintenance costs 863
Federal port charges 1,092
At-sea-observer charges 1,256
Fishing licence fees 4,600
Storage of boat and gear 805
Union or association dues4 304
Special agreements5 0
Marketing Board ..
Vessel insurance 15,121
Accounting fees 2,091
Professional and administrative fees 679
Lease of quotas ..
Leasing and rental of vessel, nets and/or gear 3,000
Vehicle expenses for fishing6 9,529
Municipal charges7 231
Other8 886
Total operating and maintenance expenses 247,297

Figures may not add up to total due to rounding.
1. Operating and maintenance expenses related to fishing operations/activities in all fisheries ,
i.e., all fisheries (main fishery and other fisheries) that the vessels were involved in during 2004.
Expenses pertaining to non-fishing activities of the enterprise are excluded from the estimates in this table.
2. The estimates of labour expenses include the amount paid to hired skipper and amount paid to crew net of crew contribution to operating expenses. However, labour expenses do not include the amount paid to owner(s) or owner(s) employed as crew.
3. Amount spent on repairs to nets/gear, including any applicable material and labour expenses and the replacement and purchase of additional nets/gear if purchased in 2004.
4. Excludes union or association dues for crew unless paid by owner.
5. Expenses related to special agreements are any costs associated with joint projects agreements (JPAs). JPAs are legally binding contracts between DFO and a constituted organization (licence holders) to carry out a project related to management of the fishery.
6. As claimed for income tax purposes, including insurance.
7. Property taxes, water, permits charged to fishing harvesting enterprise.
8. All other operating and maintenance expenses related to fishing operations that were not included in the preceding categories. Examples are miscellaneous expenses for safety courses & training, other boat and office supplies, phone charges, equipment rental, etc.
Source: Fisheries and Oceans Canada , Economic Analysis and Statistics.

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Table A.8 : Shrimp Fleet (35-64 ft Vessels), Financial Performance, Newfoundland and Labrador Region, 2004
Total fishing revenues¹ 340,141
Total operating and maintenance expenses2 247,297
Gross operating income (loss) 92,844
less: Depreciation3 35,583
Net operating income (loss) 57,261
less: Interest expense4 6,345
Net income before taxes 50,916

Figures may not add up to total due to rounding.
1. Gross receipts based on the value of landings in all fisheries reported in the survey, i.e., main fishery and other fisheries that the vessels were involved in during 2004. Other revenues such as lease of quotas, revenues from alternative uses of fishing vessels, and government transfers relative to fishing operations are excluded from the estimates in this table.
2. Operating and maintenance expenses include those expenses related to fishing operations/activities,
i.e., all fisheries (main fishery and other fisheries) that the vessels were involved in during 2004. The estimates of labour expenses include the amount paid to hired skipper and amount paid to crew net of crew contribution to operating expenses. However, labour expenses do not include the amount paid to owner(s) or owner(s) employed as crew. Also excluded are expenses pertaining to non-fishing activities of the enterprise.
3. Depreciation estimates are based on the definition of economic depreciation or the loss in fair market value of the capital assets. This definition should not be confused with tax depreciation (capital cost allowance). The estimates presented in this table include vessel depreciation as well as depreciation for fishing-operations' share of vehicles and on-shore facilities. Also included are depreciation estimates for major alterations, additions or improvements, individually valued at over $3,000, made to fishing vessels.
4. Interest expense based on amount of interest payments made during 2004.
Source: Fisheries and Oceans Canada , Economic Analysis and Statistics.

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Table A.9 : 'Other' Fleet, Operating and Maintenance Expenses by Vessel Length Category, Newfoundland and Labrador Region, 2004
Operating and Maintenance Expenses2 Vessel Length Category
<25 ft 25-34 ft 35-64 ft
Labour3 9,762 12,107 102,038
Fuel, oil and grease 2,737 3,508 23,813
Food 480 503 3,934
Bait 685 804 1,588
Ice and salt 21 37 1,755
Nets and gear4 1,203 1,843 8,332
Dockside monitoring charges 184 372 3,751
Vessel repairs and maintenance 348 828 5,737
Transport Canada ship safety inspection fees 0 25 222
On-shore facilities maintenance costs 155 303 285
Federal port charges 194 88 407
At-sea-observer charges 49 81 313
Fishing licence fees 372 449 501
Storage of boat and gear 10 58 655
Union or association dues5 171 185 174
Special agreements6 0 2 30
Marketing Board ... ... ...
Vessel insurance 5 450 8,309
Accounting fees 58 113 1,155
Professional and administrative fees 7 26 10
Lease of quotas ... ... ...
Leasing and rental of vessel, nets and/or gear 0 0 0
Vehicle expenses for fishing7 688 1,428 3,857
Municipal charges8 17 50 78
Other9 96 121 1,768
Total operating and maintenance expenses 17,243 23,378 168,707

Figures may not add up to total due to rounding.
1. These fleets include fleets other than crab and/or shrimp.
2. Operating and maintenance expenses related to fishing operations/activities , i.e., all fisheries (main fishery and other fisheries) that the vessels were involved in during 2004. Expenses pertaining to non-fishing activities of the enterprise are excluded from the estimates in this table.
3. The estimates of labour expenses include the amount paid to hired skipper and amount paid to crew net of crew contribution to operating expenses. However, labour expenses do not include the amount paid to owner(s) or owner(s) employed as crew.
4. Amount spent on repairs to nets/gear, including any applicable material and labour expenses and the replacement and purchase of additional nets/gear if purchased in 2004.
5. Excludes union or association dues for crew unless paid by owner.
6. Expenses related to special agreements are any costs associated with joint projects agreements (JPAs). JPAs are legally binding contracts between DFO and a constituted organization (licence holders) to carry out a project related to management of the fishery.
7. As claimed for income tax purposes, including insurance.
8. Property taxes, water, permits charged to fishing harvesting enterprise.
9. All other operating and maintenance expenses related to fishing operations that were not included in the preceding categories. Examples are miscellaneous expenses for safety courses & training, other boat and office supplies, phone charges, equipment rental, etc.
Source: Fisheries and Oceans Canada , Economic Analysis and Statistics.

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Table A.10 : 'Other' Fleet, Financial Performance by Vessel Length Category, Newfoundland and Labrador Region, 2004
  Financial Performance by Vessel Length Category
<25 ft 25-34 ft 35-64 ft
Total fishing revenues2 26,766 34,800 292,112
Total operating and maintenance expenses3 17,243 23,378 168,707
Gross operating income (loss) 9,523 11,422 123,404
less: Depreciation4 2,263 4,858 21,101
Net operating income (loss) 7,260 6,564 102,303
less: Interest expense5 73 1,094 4,921
Net income before taxes 7,186 5,470 97,383

Figures may not add up to total due to rounding.
1. These fleets include fleets other than crab and/or shrimp.
2. Gross receipts based on the value of landings in all fisheries reported in the survey, i.e., main fishery and other fisheries that the vessels were involved in during 2004. Other revenues such as lease of quotas, revenues from alternative uses of fishing vessels, and government transfers relative to fishing operations are excluded from the estimates in this table.
3. Operating and maintenance expenses include those expenses related to fishing operations/
activities , i.e., all fisheries (main fishery and other fisheries) that the vessels were involved in during 2004. The estimates of labour expenses include the amount paid to hired skipper and amount paid to crew net of crew contribution to operating expenses. However, labour expenses do not include the amount paid to owner(s) or owner(s) employed as crew. Also excluded are expenses pertaining to non-fishing activities of the enterprise.
4. Depreciation estimates are based on the definition of economic depreciation or the loss in fair market value of the capital assets. This definition should not be confused with tax depreciation (capital cost allowance). The estimates presented in this table include vessel depreciation as well as depreciation for fishing-operations' share of vehicles and on-shore facilities. Also included are depreciation estimates for major alterations, additions or improvements, individually valued at over $3,000, made to fishing vessels.
5. Interest expense based on amount of interest payments made during 2004.
Source: Fisheries and Oceans Canada , Economic Analysis and Statistics.

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Table A.11 : Rock Crab Fleet, Operating and Maintenance Expenses, Gulf Region, 2004
Operating and Maintenance Expenses¹ Rock Crab - 23,25,26A
Labour2 17,490
Fuel, oil and grease 6,304
Food 426
Bait 5,926
Ice and salt 70
Nets and gear3 3,199
Dockside monitoring charges 564
Vessel repairs and maintenance 3,362
Transport Canada ship safety inspection fees 18
On-shore facilities maintenance costs 378
Federal port charges 480
At-sea-observer charges 0
Fishing licence fees 682
Storage of boat and gear 406
Union or association dues4 210
Special agreements5 0
Marketing Board 0
Vessel insurance 1,154
Accounting fees 404
Professional and administrative fees 43
Lease of quotas 0
Leasing and rental of vessel, nets and/or gear 0
Vehicle expenses for fishing6 2,857
Municipal charges7 25
Other8 1,751
Total operating and maintenance expenses 45,750

Figures may not add up to total due to rounding.
1. Operating and maintenance expenses related to fishing operations/activities , i.e., all fisheries (main fishery and other fisheries) that the vessels were involved in during 2004.
Expenses pertaining to non- fishing activities of the enterprise are excluded from the estimates in this table.
2. The estimates of labour expenses include the amount paid to hired skipper and amount paid to crew net of crew contribution to operating expenses. However, labour expenses do not include the amount paid to owner(s) or owner(s) employed as crew.
3. Amount spent on repairs to nets/gear, including any applicable material and labour expenses and the replacement and purchase of additional nets/gear if purchased in 2004.
4. Excludes union or association dues for crew unless paid by owner.
5. Expenses related to special agreements are any costs associated with joint projects agreements (JPAs). JPAs are legally binding contracts between DFO and a constituted organization (licence holders) to carry out a project related to management of the fishery.
6. As claimed for income tax purposes, including insurance.
7. Property taxes, water, permits charged to fishing harvesting enterprise.
8. All other operating and maintenance expenses related to fishing operations that were not included in the preceding categories. Examples are miscellaneous expenses for safety courses & training, other boat and office supplies, phone charges, equipment rental, etc.
Source: Fisheries and Oceans Canada , Economic Analysis and Statistics

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Table A.12 : Rock Crab Fleet, Financial Performance, Gulf Region, 2004
  Rock crab - 23,25,26A
Total fishing revenues¹ 68,206
Total operating and maintenance expenses2 45,750
Gross operating income (loss) 22,456
less: Depreciation3 7,545
Net operating income (loss) 14,911
less: Interest expense4 3,279
Net income before taxes 11,632

Figures may not add up to total due to rounding.
1. Gross receipts based on the value of landings in all fisheries reported in the survey,
i.e., main fishery and other fisheries that the vessels were involved in during 2004.
Other revenues such as lease of quotas, revenues from alternative uses of fishing vessels,
and government transfers relative to fishing operations are excluded from the estimates in this table.
2. Operating and maintenance expenses include those expenses related to fishing operations/activities, i.e., all fisheries (main fishery and other fisheries) that the vessels were involved in during 2004. The estimates of labour expenses include the amount paid to hired skipper and amount paid to crew net of crew contribution to operating expenses.
However, labour expenses do not include the amount paid to owner(s) or owner(s)
employed as crew. Also excluded are expenses pertaining to non-fishing activities of the enterprise.
3. Depreciation estimates are based on the definition of economic depreciation or the loss in fair market value of the capital assets. This definition should not be confused with tax depreciation (capital cost allowance). The estimates presented in this table include vessel depreciation as well as depreciation for fishing-operations' share of vehicles and on-shore facilities. Also included are depreciation estimates for major alterations, additions or improvements, individually valued at over $3,000, made to fishing vessels.
4. Interest expense based on amount of interest payments made during 2004.
Source: Fisheries and Oceans Canada , Economic Analysis and Statistics.

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Table A.13 : Inshore Herring Fleet, Operating and Maintenance Expenses, Gulf Region, 2004
Operating and Maintenance Expenses¹ ($)
Labour2 16,393
Fuel, oil and grease 5,858
Food 784
Bait 4,476
Ice and salt 61
Nets and gear3 2,621
Dockside monitoring charges 296
Vessel repairs and maintenance 3,326
Transport Canada ship safety inspection fees 11
On-shore facilities maintenance costs 368
Federal port charges 478
At-sea-observer charges 0
Fishing licence fees 608
Storage of boat and gear 465
Union or association dues4 250
Special agreements5 0
Marketing Board 0
Vessel insurance 1,119
Accounting fees 355
Professional and administrative fees 7
Lease of quotas 0
Leasing and rental of vessel, nets and/or gear 0
Vehicle expenses for fishing6 3,381
Municipal charges7 169
Other8 1,036
Total operating and maintenance expenses 42,063

Figures may not add up to total due to rounding.
1. Operating and maintenance expenses related to fishing operations/activities , i.e., all fisheries (main fishery and other fisheries) that the vessels were involved in during 2004.
Expenses pertaining to non-fishing activities of the enterprise are excluded from the estimates in this table.
2. The estimates of labour expenses include the amount paid to hired skipper and amount paid to crew net of crew contribution to operating expenses. However, labour expenses do not include the amount paid to owner(s) or owner(s) employed as crew.
3. Amount spent on repairs to nets/gear, including any applicable material and labour expenses and the repl acement and purchase of additional nets/gear if purchased in 2004.
4. Excludes union or association dues for crew unless paid by owner.
5. Expenses related to special agreements are any costs associated with joint projects agreements (JPAs). JPAs are legally binding contracts between DFO and a constituted organization (licence holders) to carry out a project related to management of the fishery.
6. As claimed for income tax purposes, including insurance.
7. Property taxes, water, permits charged to fishing harvesting enterprise.
8. All other operating and maintenance expenses related to fishing operations that were not included in the preceding categories. Examples are miscellaneous expenses for safety courses & training, other boat and office supplies, phone charges, equipment rental, etc.
Source: Fisheries and Oceans Canada , Economic Analysis and Statistics.

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Table A.14 : Inshore Herring Fleet, Financial Performance, Gulf Region, 2004
Total fishing revenues¹ 60,422
Total operating and maintenance expenses2 42,063
Gross operating income (loss) 18,359
less: Depreciation3 6,827
Net operating income (loss) 11,532
less: Interest expense4 2,691
Net income before taxes 8,841

Figures may not add up to total due to rounding.
1. Gross receipts based on the value of landings in all fisheries reported in the survey, i.e., main fishery and other fisheries that the vessels were involved in during 2004. Other revenues such as lease of quotas, revenues from alternative uses of fishing vessels, and government transfers relative to fishing operations are excluded from the estimates in this table.
2. Operating and maintenance expenses include those expenses related to fishing operations /activities , i.e., all fisheries (main fishery and other fisheries)
that the vessels were involved in during 2004. The estimates of labour expenses include the amount paid to hired skipper and amount paid to crew net of crew contribution to operating expenses. However,
labour expenses do not include the amount paid to owner(s) or owner(s) employed as crew. Also excluded are expenses pertaining to non-fishing activities of the enterprise.
3. Depreciation estimates are based on the definition of economic depreciation or the loss in fair market value of the capital assets. This definition should not be confused with tax depreciation (capital cost allowance). The estimates presented in this table include vessel depreciation as well as depreciation for fishing-operations' share of vehicles and on-shore facilities. Also included are depreciation estimates for major alterations, additions or improvements,
individually valued at over $3,000, made to fishing vessels.
4. Interest expense based on amount of interest payments made during 2004.
Source: Fisheries and Oceans Canada , Economic Analysis and Statistics.

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Table A.15 : Tuna Fleet, Operating and Maintenance Expenses, Gulf Region, 2004
Operating and Maintenance Expenses¹ ($)
Labour2 22,118
Fuel, oil and grease 6,285
Food 392
Bait 4,632
Ice and salt 124
Nets and gear3 4,885
Dockside monitoring charges 478
Vessel repairs and maintenance 3,630
Transport Canada ship safety inspection fees 43
On-shore facilities maintenance costs 1,367
Federal port charges 569
At-sea-observer charges 0
Fishing licence fees 926
Storage of boat and gear 440
Union or association dues4 268
Special agreements55 0
Marketing Board 0
Vessel insurance 1,610
Accounting fees 621
Professional and administrative fees 108
Lease of quotas 0
Leasing and rental of vessel, nets and/or gear 0
Vehicle expenses for fishing6 4,426
Municipal charges7 10
Other8 2,447
Total operating and maintenance expenses 55,379

Figures may not add up to total due to rounding.
1. Operating and maintenance expenses related to fishing operations/activities , i.e.,
all fisheries (main fishery and other fisheries) that the vessels were involved in during 2004. Expenses pertaining to non-fishing activities of the enterprise are excluded from the estimates in this table.
2. The estimates of labour expenses include the amount paid to hired skipper and amount paid to crew net of crew contribution to operating expenses. However, labour expenses do not include the amount paid to owner(s) or owner(s) employed as crew.
3. Amount spent on repairs to nets/gear, including any applicable material and labour expenses and the replacement and purchase of additional nets/gear if purchased in 2004.
4. Excludes union or association dues for crew unless paid by owner.
5. Expenses related to special agreements are any costs associated with joint projects agreements (JPAs). JPAs are legally binding contracts between DFO and a constituted organization (licence holders) to carry out a project related to management of the fishery.
6. As claimed for income tax purposes, including insurance.
7. Property taxes, water, permits charged to fishing harvesting enterprise.
8. All other operating and maintenance expenses related to fishing operations that were not included in the preceding categories. Examples are miscellaneous expenses for safety courses & training, other boat and office supplies, phone charges, equipment rental, etc.
Source: Fisheries and Oceans Canada , Economic Analysis and Statistics.

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Table A.16 : Tuna Fleet, Financial Performance, Gulf Region, 2004
Total fishing revenues¹ 111,691
Total operating and maintenance expenses2 55,379
Gross operating income (loss) 56,312
less: Depreciation3 10,084
Net operating income (loss) 46,228
less: Interest expense4 4,550
Net income before taxes 41,678

Figures may not add up to total due to rounding.
1. Gross receipts based on the value of landings in all fisheries reported in the survey,
i.e., main fishery and other fisheries that the vessels were involved in during 2004.
Other revenues such as lease of quotas, revenues from alternative uses of fishing vessels,
and government transfers relative to fishing operations are excluded from the estimates in this table.
2. Operating and maintenance expenses include those expenses related to fishing operations/activities, i.e., all fisheries (main fishery and other fisheries) that the vessels were involved in during 2004. The estimates of labour expenses include the amount paid to hired skipper and amount paid to crew net of crew contribution to operating expenses.
However, labour expenses do not include the amount paid to owner(s) or owner(s)
employed as crew. Also excluded are expenses pertaining to non-fishing activities of the enterprise.
3. Depreciation estimates are based on the definition of economic depreciation or the loss in fair market value of the capital assets. This definition should not be confused with tax depreciation (capital cost allowance). The estimates presented in this table include vessel depreciation as well as depreciation for fishing-operations' share of vehicles and on-shore facilities. Also included are depreciation estimates for major alterations, additions or improvements, individually valued at over $3,000, made to fishing vessels.
4. Interest expense based on amount of interest payments made during 2004.
Source: Fisheries and Oceans Canada , Economic Analysis and Statistics.

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Table A.17 : Scallop Fleet, Bay of Fundy Scallops, Operating and Maintenance Expenses, Maritimes Region, 2004
Operating and Maintenance Expenses¹ ($)
Labour2 163,976
Fuel, oil and grease 31,084
Food 8,687
Bait 0
Ice and salt 0
Nets and gear3 14,764
Dockside monitoring charges 1,798
Vessel repairs and maintenance 25,618
Transport Canada ship safety inspection fees 933
On-shore facilities maintenance costs 0
Federal port charges 3,061
At-sea-observer charges 3,970
Fishing licence fees 13,654
Storage of boat and gear 0
Union or association dues4 2,060
Special agreements5 0
Marketing Board 0
Vessel insurance 9,035
Accounting fees 4,926
Professional and administrative fees 660
Lease of quotas 12,295
Leasing and rental of vessel, nets and/or gear 0
Vehicle expenses for fishing6 3,209
Municipal charges7 118
Other8 1,929
Total operating and maintenance expenses 301,778

Figures may not add up to total due to rounding.
1. Operating and maintenance expenses related to fishing operations/activities , i.e.,
all fisheries (main fishery and other fisheries) that the vessels were involved in during 2004. Expenses pertaining to non-fishing activities of the enterprise are excluded from the estimates in this table.
2. The estimates of labour expenses include the amount paid to hired skipper and amount paid to crew net of crew contribution to operating expenses. However, labour expenses do not include the amount paid to owner(s) or owner(s) employed as crew.
3. Amount spent on repairs to nets/gear, including any applicable material and labour expenses and the replacement and purchase of additional nets/gear if purchased in 2004.
4. Excludes union or association dues for crew unless paid by owner.
5. Expenses related to special agreements are any costs associated with joint projects agreements (JPAs). JPAs are legally binding contracts between DFO and a constituted organization (licence holders) to carry out a project related to management of the fishery.
6. As claimed for income tax purposes, including insurance.
7. Property taxes, water, permits charged to fishing harvesting enterprise.
8. All other operating and maintenance expenses related to fishing operations that were not included in the preceding categories. Examples are miscellaneous expenses for safety courses & training, other boat and office supplies, phone charges, equipment rental, etc.
Source: Fisheries and Oceans Canada , Economic Analysis and Statistics.

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Table A.18 : Scallop Fleet, Bay of Fundy Scallops, Financial Performance, Maritimes Region, 2004
Total fishing revenues¹ 408,881
Total operating and maintenance expenses2 301,778
Gross operating income (loss) 107,103
less: Depreciation3 21,437
Net operating income (loss) 85,666
less: Interest expense4 3,591
Net income before taxes 82,075

Figures may not add up to total due to rounding.
1. Gross receipts based on the value of landings in all fisheries reported in the survey, i.e., main fishery and other fisheries that the vessels were involved in during 2004. Other revenues such as lease of quotas, revenues from alternative uses of fishing vessels, and government transfers relative to fishing operations are excluded from the estimates in this table.
2.Operating and maintenance expenses include those expenses related to fishing operations/activities, i.e., all fisheries (main fishery and other fisheries) that the vessels were involved in during 2004. The estimates of labour expenses include the amount paid to hired skipper and amount paid to crew net of crew contribution to operating expenses. However, labour expenses do not include the amount paid to owner(s) or owner(s) employed as crew. Also excluded are expenses pertaining to non-fishing activities of the enterprise.
3. Depreciation estimates are based on the definition of economic depreciation or the loss in fair market value of the capital assets. This definition should not be confused with tax depreciation (capital cost allowance). The estimates presented in this table include vessel depreciation as well as depreciation for fishing-
operations' share of vehicles and on-shore facilities. Also included are depreciation estimates for major alterations, additions or improvements,
individually valued at over $3,000, made to fishing vessels.
4. Interest expense based on amount of interest payments made during 2004.
Source: Fisheries and Oceans Canada , Economic Analysis and Statistics

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Table A.19 : Mixed Fishery Fleet (<45 ft Vessels), Operating and Maintenance Expenses, Maritimes Region, 2004
Operating and Maintenance Expenses¹ ($)
Labour2 46,587
Fuel, oil and grease 9,008
Food 1,295
Bait 10,383
Ice and salt 255
Nets and gear3 5,803
Dockside monitoring charges 975
Vessel repairs and maintenance 5,943
Transport Canada ship safety inspection fees 135
On-shore facilities maintenance costs 601
Federal port charges 383
At-sea-observer charges 47
Fishing licence fees 1,770
Storage of boat and gear 151
Union or association dues4 244
Special agreements5 92
Marketing Board 0
Vessel insurance 2,757
Accounting fees 850
Professional and administrative fees 1,275
Lease of quotas 7,149
Leasing and rental of vessel, nets and/or gear 1,311
Vehicle expenses for fishing6 5,428
Municipal charges7 87
Other8 2,524
Total operating and maintenance expenses 105,054

Figures may not add up to total due to rounding.
1. Operating and maintenance expenses related to fishing operations/activities , i.e., all fisheries (main fishery and other fisheries) that the vessels were involved in during 2004.
Expenses pertaining to non-fishing activities of the enterprise are excluded from the estimates in this table.
2. The estimates of labour expenses include the amount paid to hired skipper and amount paid to crew net of crew contribution to operating expenses. However, labour expenses do not include the amount paid to owner(s) or owner(s) employed as crew.
3. Amount spent on repairs to nets/gear, including any applicable material and labour expenses and the replacement and purchase of additional nets/gear if purchased in 2004.
4. Excludes union or association dues for crew unless paid by owner.
5. Expenses related to special agreements are any costs associated with joint projects agreements (JPAs). JPAs are legally binding contracts between DFO and a constituted organization (licence holders) to carry out a project related to management of the fishery.
6. As claimed for income tax purposes, including insurance.
7. Property taxes, water, permits charged to fishing harvesting enterprise.
8. All other operating and maintenance expenses related to fishing operations that were not included in the preceding categories. Examples are miscellaneous expenses for safety courses & training, other boat and office supplies, phone charges, equipment rental, etc.
Source: Fisheries and Oceans Canada , Economic Analysis and Statistics.

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Table A.20 : Mixed Fishery Fleet (<45 ft Vessels), Financial Performance, Maritimes Region, 2004
Total fishing revenues¹ 166,184
Total operating and maintenance expenses2 105,054
Gross operating income (loss) 61,130
less: Depreciation3 10,755
Net operating income (loss) 50,375
less: Interest expense4 2,626
Net income before taxes 47,749

Figures may not add up to total due to rounding.
1. Gross receipts based on the value of landings in all fisheries reported in the survey,
i.e., main fishery and other fisheries that the vessels were involved in during 2004.
Other revenues such as lease of quotas, revenues from alternative uses of fishing vessels,
and government transfers relative to fishing operations are excluded from the estimates in this table.
2. Operating and maintenance expenses include those expenses related to fishing operations /activities , i.e., all fisheries (main fishery and other fisheries) that the vessels were involved in during 2004. The estimates of labour expenses include the amount paid to hired skipper and amount paid to crew net of crew contribution to operating expenses. However, labour expenses do not include the amount paid to owner(s) or owner(s) employed as crew. Also excluded are expenses pertaining to non-fishing activities of the enterprise.
3. Depreciation estimates are based on the definition of economic depreciation or the loss in fair market value of the capital assets. This definition should not be confused with tax depreciation (capital cost allowance). The estimates presented in this table include vessel depreciation as well as depreciation for fishing-operations'
share of vehicles and on-shore facilities. Also included are depreciation estimates for major alterations, additions or improvements, individually valued at over $3,000,
made to fishing vessels.
4. Interest expense based on amount of interest payments made during 2004.
Source: Fisheries and Oceans Canada , Economic Analysis and Statistics.

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