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DFO – Financial Outlook

Total Planned Authorities

Bar graph: DFO's total authorities by Vote for 2010-11 to 2024-25

Figure 1: Total Planned Authorities

  • 2010-11 to 2018-19 authorities represent year-end authorities, as per Public Accounts
  • Does not reflect renewal of some sunsetters

DFO's total authorities by Vote for 2010-11 to 2024-25. Text version below.

Figure 1: Total Planned Authorities
- 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25
Operating (Vote 1) $1,344.6M $1,385.8M $1,308.2M $1,342.8M $1,218.7M $1,324.6M $1,457.9M $1,596.3M $1,700.9M $2,029.5M $1,811.0M $1,782.0M $1,673.7M $1,612.6M $1,586.7M
Capital (Vote 5) $453.7M $366.8M $396.4M $409.2M $486.7M $843.0M $1,064.9M $972.8M $1,641.3M $1,141.3M $776.8M $518.4M $432.2M $353.1M $334.9M
Grants & Contributions (Vote 10) $133.4M $129.5M $88.9M $88.2M $91.5M $96.9M $102.0M $159.7M $272.9M $374.9M $714.2M $429.8M $333.5M $284.8M $148.6M
Total $1,931.7M $1,882.1M $1,793.5M $1,840.3M $1,797.0M $2,264.5M $2,624.8M $2,728.8M $3,615.1M $3,545.7M $3,302.0M $2,730.1M $2,439.4M $2,250.5M $2,070.2M
Pie chart: DFO's 2020-21 total resources by core responsibility.

Figure 2: Resources – Aligning to Results


DFO's 2020-21 total resources by core responsibility. Text version below.

Figure 2: Resources – Aligning to Results
Marine Operations and Response 34%
Fisheries 33%
Aquatic Ecosystems 10%
Marine Navigation 9%
Internal Services 8%
Real Property 6%

Vote 1 – Planned Operating

Bar graph: DFO's Vote 1 authorities for 2010-11 to 2024-25 by salary and operating

Figure 1: Planned Operating Authorities

  • The spike in authorities for 2019-20 is due to one-time payments scheduled for Indigenous Reconciliation and for the Offshore Fisheries Science Vessel acquisition contract
  • Does not reflect renewal of some sunsetters

DFO's Vote 1 authorities for 2010-11 to 2024-25 by salary and operating. Text version below.

Figure 1: Planned Operating Authorities
Year 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25
Salary $804.5M $843.1M $829.3M $858.3M $768.9M $757.3M $770.4M $923.0M $982.0M $1,049.5M $1,042.9M $1,039.2M $1,014.9M $968.4M $953.6M
Operating $540.0M $542.7M $478.9M $535.2M $500.4M $617.2M $737.1M $694.6M $760.1M $1,020.1M $808.1M $782.8M $698.8M $684.2M $673.1M
Total $1,344.6M $1,385.8M $1,308.2M $1,393.5M $1,269.4M $1,374.5M $1,507.6M $1,617.6M $1,742.1M $2,069.5M $1,851.0M $1,822.0M $1,713.7M $1,652.6M $1,626.7M
Pie chart: DFO's 2020-21 operating resources by standard object

Figure 2: Resources - Standard Object


DFO's 2020-21 operating resources by standard object. Text version below.

Figure 2: Resources - Standard Object
Transportation and Communications 9%
Professional and Special Services 40%
Rentals 3%
Purchased Repair and Maintenance 22%
Utilities, Materials and Supplies 12%
Other subsidies and payments 8%
Professional and Special Services - Other Government Departments 6%

Vote 5 – Planned Capital

Bar graph: DFO's Vote 5 authorities for 2010-11 to 2024-25 by A-Base and B-Base

Figure 1: Planned Capital Authorities

  • A-Base authorities refer to the department’s permanent/ongoing funding, while B-Base authorities reflect temporary funding sources.
  • Does not reflect renewal of some sunsetters

DFO's Vote 5 authorities for 2010-11 to 2024-25 by A-Base and B-Base. Text version below.

Figure 1: Planned Capital Authorities
Year A-Base B-Base Total
2010-11 $219.7M $234.0M $453.7M
2011-12 $219.0M $147.8M $366.8M
2012-13 $218.7M $177.7M $396.4M
2013-14 $218.5M $190.8M $409.2M
2014-15 $222.2M $264.2M $486.4M
2015-16 $132.6M $710.4M $843.0M
2016-17 $136.4M $928.5M $1,064.9M
2017-18 $225.4M $747.4M $972.8M
2018-19 $347.4M $1,293.9M $1,641.3M
2019-20 $385.7M $755.7M $1,141.3M
2020-21 $325.0M $451.7M $776.8M
2021-22 $370.4M $148.0M $518.4M
2022-23 $346.4M $85.8M $432.2M
2023-24 $331.7M $21.4M $353.1M
2024-25 $328.8M $6.1M $334.9M
Pie chart: DFO's 2020-21 capital resources by asset type

Figure 2: Resources - Capital by Asset Type


DFO's 2020-21 capital resources by asset type. Text version below.

Figure 2: Resources - Capital by Asset Type
CCG - Fleet 68%
CCG - Operations 14%
Ecosystems and Oceans Science 1%
Small Craft Harbours 6%
Fisheries and Harbour Management (excl. SCH) 1%
Real Property 10%
Information Technology 0%

Vote 10 – Planned Grants and Contributions

Bar graph: DFO's Vote 10 authorities for 2010-11 to 2024-25 by A-Base and B-Base

Figure 1: Grant and Contribution Authorities

  • A-Base authorities refer to the department’s permanent/ongoing funding, while B-Base authorities reflect temporary funding sources.
  • Does not reflect renewal of some sunsetters

DFO's Vote 10 authorities for 2010-11 to 2024-25 by A-Base and B-Base. Text version below.

Figure 1: Grant and Contribution Authorities
Year A-Base B-Base Total
2010-11 $57.8M $75.6M $133.4M
2011-12 $53.1M $76.4M $129.5M
2012-13 $48.1M $40.8M $88.9M
2013-14 $48.1M $40.1M $88.2M
2014-15 $48.5M $43.0M $91.5M
2015-16 $54.7M $42.2M $96.9M
2016-17 $58.7M $43.3M $102.0M
2017-18 $111.3M $48.4M $159.7M
2018-19 $140.7M $132.2M $272.9M
2019-20 $200.7M $174.1M $374.9M
2020-21 $524.1M $190.1M $714.2M
2021-22 $174.9M $254.9M $429.8M
2022-23 $165.0M $168.5M $333.5M
2023-24 $174.5M $110.3M $284.8M
2024-25 $147.9M $0.6M $148.6M
Pie chart: DFO's 2020-21 grant and contribution resources by recipient type.

Figure 2: G&C by Recipient Type


DFO's 2020-21 grant and contribution resources by recipient type. Text version below.

Figure 2: G&C by Recipient Type
Coast Guard Support 4%
Conservation 21%
Indigenous 48%
Other 3%
Port Authority 2%
Research 22%
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