House of Commons committee of the whole on 2020-21 Main Estimates – DFO
Table of contents
- Opening remarks
- Departmental information
- Departmental overview: DFO financial outlook (HTML) (PowerPoint version PPT, 1.68 MB)
- Canada's fisheries - Fast Facts 2019 (PDF, 256 KB)
- Mandate commitments
- 2020-2021 Estimates
- 2020-21 Main Estimates
- Presentation (HTML) (PowerPoint version PPT, 684 KB)
- Note
- [Information was severed in accordance with the Access to Information Act.]
- 2020-21 Supplementary Estimates (A)
- Presentation (HTML) (PowerPoint version PPT, 627 KB)
- Note
- [Information was severed in accordance with the Access to Information Act.]
- 2020-21 Supplementary Estimates (B)
- 2020-21 Main Estimates
- Current issues
- Purchase of Clearwater
- Central coast crab FSC needs
- Cohen Commission – Discovery Islands
- The sale of Food, Social and Ceremonial (FSC) catches
- Indigenous moderate livelihood fisheries
- Mandate 25% by 2025
- Eastern Shore Islands
- North Atlantic right whale
- Big Bar landslide (general)
- Big Bar landslide expenditures and planned spending
- Chinook salmon
- Petition to ban gill nets
- Recreational fishery and chinook hatchery
- Socio-economic iImpact of chinook salmon closures
- Access to recreational fishery
- Southern resident killer whale
- US Navy incidental take authorization
- TMX Regulatory review
- TMX (Westridge marine terminal monitoring)
- TMX (Southern resident killer whales)
- Striped bass
- Wild Atlantic salmon
- Aquaculture
- Canadian Coast Guard (CCG)
- Fisheries and Harbour Management
- Arctic surf clam
- Pacific herring (general)
- Atlantic herring (4T Gulf)
- Shortage in herring bait supply
- Rebuilding Atlantic herring stocks
- Decline in the Fraser River steelhead trout – measures to date
- Elvers
- Hatcheries and Salmonid Program
- Indigenous fishing – illegal sales
- Pacific herring - Petition for commercial herring closure
- Redfish (general)
- Gulf shrimp
- Small craft harbours
- Oceans and Aquatic Ecosystems
- Whales
- Science
- Other
- Ahousaht (Five Nuu-chah-nulth) First Nations
- Banked licences
- Blue Economy Strategy
- Cabot Head lighthouse closure
- Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing
- Proposed inshore regulations
- Plastics and ghost gear
- Reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples
- UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
- Seafood traceability
- Support for fish harvesters
- West Coast licencing review
- Date modified: