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Fishery notices related to North Atlantic right whales

Acoustic detections of whales by hydrophones (underwater microphones), and visual sightings of right whales from vessels and aircraft, will trigger temporary and season-long fishing closures.

Learn about the fisheries management measures in place to protect North Atlantic right whales in Canada

On this page

Fishery closures and openings

Note: The grids are closed as of the date that a whale is detected. No new fishing activity is permitted. For safety reasons (based on the marine weather forecast), harvesters fishing in the closed area are provided with time to retrieve their gear.

Notice title Date issued
2025 Fisheries management measures to protect North Atlantic Right Whales in Canadian waters 2025-03-20

Past fishery notices related to North Atlantic right whales

Impacted fisheries

Some fisheries could be impacted by right whale measures:

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