Commercial fisheries for Snow crab
Multi-year management plans | Notices, variations and decisions | Stock status reports and research documents | Statistics and reports | Maps | Consultations | Contacts
Multi-year management plans
- Integrated Fisheries Management Plan - Snow crab, Newfoundland and Labrador Region
- Integrated Fisheries Management Plan - 2HJ, 3KLNOPsn, and 4R Snow crab – (2009-2011)
- Integrated Fisheries Management Plan - Snow crab in the Southern Gulf of Saint Lawrence crab fishing areas 12, 12E, 12F, 19
- Integrated Fisheries Management Plan - Snow Crab -Eatern Nova Scotia and 4X - 2013
Notices, variations and decisions
- 2024 - Snow Crab fishery opening date: Crab Fishing Areas 12 (12, 18, 25 and 26) 12E
- 2024 -Total Allowable Catch (TAC) and allocation for the scientific survey for Snow crab in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence for Areas 12, 12E, 12F and 19
- 2024 - Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence Snow crab Conservation Harvesting Plan for Area 12 (12, 18, 25, 26)
- 2024 - Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence snow crab Conservation Harvesting Plan for Area 12E
- 2024 - Snow Crab movement study in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence
- 2023 - Snow crab fishery opening date: Crab Fishing Areas 12 (12, 18, 25 and 26) and 12E
- 2023 - Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence Snow Crab Conservation Harvesting Plan for Crab Fishing Area 12 (12, 18, 25, 26)
- 2023 - Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence snow crab Conservation Harvesting Plan for Crab Fishing Area 12E
- 2023 - Total allowable catch and allocation for the scientific survey for snow crab in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence for 2023 (areas 12, 12E, 12F and 19)
- 2022 Criteria for access to Crab Fishing Area 12 by Areas 12E and 12F fish harvesters in case of closures of the fishing grounds
- 2022 - Snow crab fishery opening date: Crab Fishing Areas 12 (12, 18, 25, 26) and 12E
- 2022 - Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence Snow Crab Conservation Harvesting Plan Crab Fishing Area 12 (12, 18, 25, 26)
- 2022 - Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence Snow Crab Conservation Harvesting Plan Crab Fishing Area 12E
- 2022 - Snow Crab movement study in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence
- 2022 - Total Allowable Catch (TAC) and allocation for the scientific survey for Snow crab in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence for Areas 12, 12E, 12F and 19
- 2021 – Closure of fishing grounds in Crab Fishing Areas 12F and 12E
- 2021 – Closure of fishing grounds in Crab Fishing Area 12F
- 2021 - Snow crab fishery opening date: Crab Fishing Areas 12 (12, 18, 25 and 26) and 12E
- 2021 - Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence Snow Crab Conservation Harvesting Plan Crab Fishing Area 12E
- 2021 - Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence Snow Crab Conservation Harvesting Plan Crab Fishing Area 12 (12, 18, 25, 26)
- Total Allowable Catch and allocation for the scientific survey for Snow Crab in the Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence for 2021 (areas 12, 12E, 12F and 19)
- Snow crab tagging study
- 2021 – Amalgamation of Crab Fishing Areas 12E and 12F with Crab Fishing Area 12 (12, 18, 25, 26)
- 2020 – Snow crab fishery season closing date for Areas 12 (12, 18, 25, 26), 12E and 12F
- Closed area for shellfish harvesting in the Magdalen Islands (June 2020)
- Closed areas for shellfish harvesting on the North Shore (June 2020)
- Closed areas for shellfish harvesting in the Gaspé and Lower St. Lawrence (June 2020)
- 2020 -Total Allowable Catch (TAC) and allocation for the scientific survey for snow crab in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence for Areas 12, 12E, 12F and 19
- 2020 - Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence snow crab Conservation Harvesting Plan for Area 12 (12, 18, 25, 26)
- 2020 - Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence snow crab Conservation Harvesting Plan for Area 12E
- 2020 - Snow Crab fishery opening date for Areas 12 (12, 18, 25, 26) and 12E
- Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence snow crab Areas 12, 12E and 12F: New season opening protocol
- Update to the mandatory colour scheme for gear marking in Eastern Canada (June 2020)
- 2020 Snow Crab fishery in Newfoundland and Labrador (Areas 2HJ, 3KLNO, 3Ps, and 4R3Pn)
- 2019-20 snow crab (4X) – Crab Fishing Area 24W
- 2019 snow crab - Northeastern Nova Scotia (Crab Fishing Areas 20-22)
- 2019 snow crab - Southeastern Nova Scotia (Crab Fishing Areas 23 and 24E)
- 2019 Snow Crab Fishery, Newfoundland and Labrador
- 2020 - Snow Crab tagging study
- 2020 - National Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) registration form procedures
- Gulf Region Electronic Logbook (ELOG) – Progressive implementation (2021 and 2022) for the Snow Crab, Shrimp and Lobster Fisheries
- 2019 Further Management Measures to Protect North Atlantic Right Whales (NARW)
- 2019 Management Measures to Protect North Atlantic Right Whales (NARW)
- Gulf Region Electronic Logbook (ELOG) Voluntary in 2019 for the Snow Crab, Shrimp and Lobster Fisheries
- 2019 - Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence Snow Crab Total Allowable Catch (Areas 12, 12E, 12F and 19)
- 2019 - Southern gulf of St. Lawrence snow crab conservation harvesting plan crab fishing area 12 (12, 18, 25, 26)
- 2019 - Southern gulf of St. Lawrence snow crab conservation harvesting plan crab fishing area 12E
- 2019 Snow crab fishery opening date: crab fishing areas 12 (12, 18, 25 and 26) and 12E
- 017 Snow Crab Fishery, Newfoundland and Labrador (Areas 2HJ, 3KLNO, 3Ps, and 4R3Pn)
- Snow crab in the Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence – Areas 12, 12E, 12F and 19
- Snow crab Fishing Areas 12 (12,18, 25, 26)
- Snow crab Fishing Area 12A
- Snow crab Fishing Area 12B
- Snow crab Fishing Area 12C
- Snow crab Fishing Area 12E
- Snow crab Fishing Area 12F
- Snow crab Fishing Area 13
- Snow crab Fishing Area 14
- Snow crab Fishing Area 15
- Snow crab Fishing Area 16
- Snow crab Fishing Area 16A
- Snow crab Fishing Area 17
- Variation and prohibition orders – Gulf Registry
- Newfoundland and Labrador Fishery Notices
- Soft-shell crab protocol (Newfoundland and Labrador)
Stock status reports and research documents
Statistics and reports
- Canadian Commercial fisheries landings
- Canadian Commercial fishery quota reports
- Newfoundland and Labrador Region landings and quota reports
- Maritimes Region catch and quota reports
- Gulf Region quota reports
- Snow crab Fishing Areas in Quebec and Gulf Regions (PDF, 520 KB)
- Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) Zones
- Date modified: