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Fishery notices related to North Atlantic right whales – 2023

Acoustic detections of whales by hydrophones (underwater microphones), and visual sightings of right whales from vessels and aircraft, will trigger temporary and season-long fishing closures.

Learn about the fisheries management measures in place to protect North Atlantic right whales in Canada

On this page

Fishery closures and openings

Note: The grids are closed as of the date that a whale is detected. No new fishing activity is permitted. For safety reasons (based on the marine weather forecast), harvesters fishing in the closed area are provided with time to retrieve their gear.

Notice title Date issued
Repealed: Interim order repealed for the protection of the North Atlantic right whales (eubalaena glacialis) in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, 2023 2023-11-15
North Atlantic Right Whale - Notice of grid re-opening(s) of All Grids in the Gulf of St Lawrence 2023-11-15
North Atlantic Right Whale - Notice of grid re-opening(s) HQ20, HQ21 2023-11-07
North Atlantic Right Whale - Notice of grid re-opening(s) HO19, HP19, HP20, HP21, HQ19 2023-11-03
North Atlantic Right Whale - Notice of grid re-opening(s) HP18, HQ18, HR19, HR20, HR21 2023-10-30
North Atlantic Right Whale - Notice of grid closure(s) HC45, HC46, HD45, HD46, HE44, HE45, HE46 2023-10-27
North Atlantic Right Whale - Notice of grid re-opening(s) GL36, GM36, GN30 2023-10-23
North Atlantic Right Whale - Notice of grid re-opening(s) GL28, GL29, GM28, GM29 2023-10-18
North Atlantic Right Whale - Notice of grid closure(s) HP18, HQ18, HR19 and Notice of grid re-opening(s) HP22, HQ22, HR22 2023-10-16
North Atlantic Right Whale - Notice of grid re-opening(s) HB45 2023-10-13
North Atlantic Right Whale - Notice of grid re-opening(s) GK28, GK29, HC45, HC46, HD45, HD46, HE42, HE43, HE44, HE45, HE46 2023-10-12
North Atlantic Right Whale - Notice of grid re-opening(s) HB43, HC43, HD42, HD43 2023-10-10
North Atlantic Right Whale - Notice of grid closure(s) GL36, GM36 2023-10-06
North Atlantic Right Whale - Notice of grid closure(s) GN30 and Notice of grid seasonal closure(s) GN31 2023-10-05
North Atlantic Right Whale - Notice of grid re-opening(s) HD53, HD54, HD55, HE53, HE54, HE55, HF53, HF54, HF55 2023-10-04
North Atlantic Right Whale - Notice of grid closure(s) HO19, HP19, HP20, HP21, HP22, HQ19, HQ20, HQ21, HQ22, HR19, HR20, HR21, HR22 2023-10-03
North Atlantic Right Whale - Notice of grid closure(s) HB45 2023-09-29
North Atlantic Right Whale - Notice of grid closure(s) HE42, HE43, HE44, HE45, HE46. Notice of grid re-opening(s) GT44, GT45, GT46, GT47, GT48, GT49, GU43, GU44, GU45, GU46, GU47, GU48, GU49, GV43 2023-09-28
North Atlantic Right Whale - Notice of grid closure(s) GK28, GK29, GL28, GL29, GM28, GM29, HD42, HD43 and Notice of grid seasonal closure(s) HB44, HC44, HD44. Notice of grid re-opening(s) GL39, GL40, GL41, GM39, GM40, GM41, GN41, GS44, GS45, GS46, GS47, GV47, GV48, GV49, HB45, HB46 2023-09-25
North Atlantic Right Whale - Notice of grid closure(s) GN31; Notice of grid re-openings GP17, GQ12, GQ13, GQ14, GQ15, GQ16, GQ17, GR12, GR13, GR14, GR15, GR16, GR17, GL20, GM20, GN20, GN34, GL36, GM36 and Notice of seasonal grid closures GN32, GN33 2023-09-22
North Atlantic Right Whale - Notice of grid closure(s) HD53, HD54, HD55, HE53, HE54, HE55, HF53, HF54, HF55 and Notice of grid re-opening(s) GL21, GL22, GM21, GM22, GN21, GN22, GP22, GP23, GP24, GP25, GP26, GP27, GQ22, GQ23, GQ24, GQ25, GQ26, GQ27, GR22 2023-09-21
North Atlantic Right Whale - Notice of grid re-opening(s) GQ37, GQ38, GQ39, GQ40, GQ41, GR37, GR38, GR39, GR40, GR41, GR42, GR43, GR44, GS39, GS40, GS41, GS42, GS43, GT36, GT37, GT38, GU36, GU41, GU42, GV41, GV42, GX52, GX53, GX54, GY46, GY52, GY53, GY54, GZ44, GZ45, GZ46, GZ54, HA44, HA45, HA46 2023-09-19
North Atlantic Right Whale - Notice of grid closure(s) GN32, GN33, GN34 2023-09-15
Repealed: 2023 Transport Canada restricted area 2023-09-11
North Atlantic Right Whale - Notice of grid re-opening(s) HC47, HD42, HD43, HD47, HE43, HE44, HE45, HE46, HE47 2023-09-11
North Atlantic Right Whale - Notice of grid closure(s) GT36, GT37, GT38, GU36 2023-09-06
North Atlantic Right Whale - Notice of grid closure(s) GU44 and Notice of grid re-opening(s) GP37, GP38, GP39, GT36, GT37, GT38, GT40, HB48, HB49, HC48, HC49, HC50, HD48, HD49, HD50 2023-09-05
North Atlantic Right Whale - Notice of grid closure(s) GL36, GM36, GP25, GP26, GP27, GQ25, GQ26, GQ27, Notice of grid seasonal closure(s) GK30, GL30, GM30 and Notice of grid re-opening(s) GU36 2023-08-31
North Atlantic Right Whale - Notice of grid re-opening(s) GN31, GN32, GN33, GN34, GO31, GO32, GO33 2023-08-30
North Atlantic Right Whale - Notice of grid closure(s) GL20, GL21, GL22, GM20, GM21, GM22, GN20, GN21, GN22, GP22, GP23, GP24, GQ12, GQ13, GQ14, GQ22, GQ23, GQ24, GR12, GR13, GR14, GR22 and Notice of grid seasonal closure(s) HE48, HE49, HE50, HF48, HF49, HF50, HG48, HG49, HG50 2023-08-28
North Atlantic Right Whale - Notice of grid closure(s) GU41, GU42, GU43, GV41, GV42, GV43 and Notice of seasonal grid closure(s) GT41, GT42, GT43 2023-08-24
North Atlantic Right Whale - Notice of grid closure(s) GP17, GQ15, GQ16, GQ17, GR15, GR16, GR17, HB43, HD42 2023-08-23
North Atlantic Right Whale - Notice of grid closure(s) GL39, GL40, GL41, GM39, GM40, GM41, GN41, GT48, GT49, GU48, GU49, GV47, GV48, GV49, HC47, HD46, HD47, HE46, HE47, HE48, HE49, HE50, HF48, HF49, HF50, HG48, HG49, HG50 2023-08-21
North Atlantic Right Whale - Notice of grid closure(s) GP37, GP38, GP39, GQ37, GQ38, GR37, GR38, GY46, GZ44, GZ45, GZ46, HA44, HA45, HA46, HB44, HB45, HB46, HB48, HB49, HC43, HC44, HC45, HC46, HC48, HC49, HC50, HD43, HD44, HD45, HD48, HD49, HD50, HE43, HE44, HE45 2023-08-18
North Atlantic Right Whale - Notice of grid closure(s) GK30, GL30, GM30, GN31, GO31, GO32, GO33, GS45, GS46, GS47, GT36, GT37, GT38, GT45, GT46, GT47, GU36, GU45, GU46, GU47, GX52, GX53, GX54, GY52, GY53, GY54, GZ54 and Notice of grid seasonal closure(s) GK31, GL31, GM31 2023-08-17
North Atlantic Right Whale - Notice of grid closure(s) GQ39, GQ40, GQ41, GR39, GS39 and Notice of grid seasonal closure(s) GK32, GL32, GM32 2023-08-16
North Atlantic Right Whale - Notice of grid closure(s) GR40, GR41, GS40, GS41, GT40, GT41 2023-08-15
North Atlantic Right Whale - Notice of grid closure(s) GN32, GN33, GN34, GR42, GR43, GR44, GS42, GS43, GS44, GT42, GT43, GT44 2023-08-14
North Atlantic Right Whale - Notice of grid re-opening(s) GL36, GM36 2023-08-10
North Atlantic Right Whale - Notice of grid closure(s) GK31, GK32, GL31, GL32, GM31, GM32, Notice of grid seasonal closure(s) GK33, GL33, GM33, GV36 and Notice of grid re-opening(s) GU35, GU36, GV35, GW35, HD38, HD39, HD40 2023-08-08
North Atlantic Right Whale - Notice of grid seasonal closure(s) GK34, GK35, GL34, GL35, GM34, GM35 and Notice of grid re-opening(s) HC36 2023-08-04
North Atlantic Right Whale - Notice of grid re-opening(s) GY42, GZ42, HA42, HE48, HE49, HE50, HF48, HF49, HF50, HG48, HG49, HG50 2023-08-03
North Atlantic Right Whale - Notice of grid re-opening(s) GV33, GW32, GX32 2023-08-02
North Atlantic Right Whale - Notice of grid closure(s) GK33, GL33, GM33, Notice of grid seasonal closure(s) GZ41, HA41 and Notice of grid re-opening(s) HC37, HD54, HD55, HE53, HE54, HE55, HF53, HF54, HF55 2023-07-31
North Atlantic Right Whale - Notice of grid closure(s) GK34, GK35, GL34, GL35, GL36, GM34, GM35, GM36, GU35, GU36, GV36, Notice of grid seasonal closure(s) GV34 and Notice of grid re-opening(s) HD53 2023-07-27
North Atlantic Right Whale - Notice of grid closure(s) GV35, GW35 2023-07-26
North Atlantic Right Whale - Notice of grid closure(s) HD38, HD39, HD40, HE48, HE49, HE50, HF48, HF49, HF50, HG48, HG49, HG50 and Notice of seasonal grid closure(s) HC38, HC39. Notice of grid re-opening(s) GU46, GV46, GW42, GX42 2023-07-24
North Atlantic Right Whale - Notice of grid closure(s) HC36 and Notice of seasonal grid closure(s) HB41, HB42, HC41, HC42. Notice of grid re-opening(s) GT38, GU36, GU44, GU45, GV44, GV45, GW46 2023-07-21
North Atlantic Right Whale - Notice of seasonal grid closure(s) HC40 and Notice of grid re-opening(s) GQ33, GQ34, GQ35, GT36, GT37, GV36, GV41 2023-07-20
North Atlantic Right Whale - Notice of grid closure(s) GV33, GV34, GW32, GX32 and Notice of seasonal grid closure(s) GW33, GW34, GX33 and Notice of grid re-opening(s) GR33, GR34, GR35, GS34, GS35, GW35, HC36, HE34 2023-07-19
North Atlantic Right Whale - Notice of grid closure(s) HC37, HC38, HC39 and Notice of seasonal grid closure(s) GW36, HA38, HA39, HA40, HB38, HB39, HB40 2023-07-17
North Atlantic Right Whale - Notice of grid closure(s) GT36, GT37, GT38, GU36, HB41, HB42, HC40, HC41, HC42 and Notice of grid re-opening(s) HC43, HC44, HC45, HC46, HD43, HD44, HD45, HD46, HE43, HE44, HE45, HE46 2023-07-10
North Atlantic Right Whale - Notice of grid closure(s) GW33, GW34, GW35, GX33, GZ41, GZ42, HA41, HA42, HC36, HE34 and Notice of grid seasonal closure(s) GX34, HB34, HC34, HC35, HD34, HD35 2023-07-05
North Atlantic Right Whale - Notice of grid closure(s) GW42, GX42, GY42, HA38, HA39, Notice of grid seasonal closure(s) GW41, GX41, GY41, GZ39, GZ40 and Notice of grid re-opening(s) HA41, HB41, HC39, HC40, HC41 2023-07-04
North Atlantic Right Whale - Notice of grid re-opening(s) GT37 2023-06-28
North Atlantic Right Whale - Notice of grid re-opening(s) GT38, GT39, GT40, GU35, GU36, GV35, GV36, GW35, GW36, HA38 2023-06-27
North Atlantic Right Whale - Notice of grid closure(s) GQ33, GQ34, GQ35, GR33, GR34, GR35, GS34, GS35, GY41 and Notice of grid seasonal closure(s) GX40, GY40 2023-06-23
North Atlantic Right Whale - Notice of grid closure(s) GU44, GU45, GU46, GV41, GV44, GV45, GV46, GW41, GW46, GX41, HB32, HB33, HB34, HC31, HC32, HC33, HC34, HC35, HC43, HC44, HC45, HC46, HD32, HD33, HD34, HD35, HD43, HD44, HD45, HD46, HE43, HE44, HE45, HE46 2023-06-22
2023 Transport Canada restricted area activated to protect North Atlantic right whales in Canada 2023-06-22
North Atlantic Right Whale - Notice of grid closure(s) GX34, GX35, GY34, GY35, GZ34, Notice of grid seasonal closure(s) GU37, GU38, GU39, GU40, GV37, GV38, GV39, GV40, GW37, GX35, GX36, GX37, GZ38 2023-06-21
North Atlantic Right Whale - Notice of grid closure(s) GZ39, GZ40, Notice of grid re-opening(s) GO34, GO35, GO36, GP34, GP35, GP36, GQ34, GQ35, GQ36 2023-06-19
North Atlantic Right Whale - Notice of grid re-opening(s) HB33, HB34 2023-06-16
North Atlantic Right Whale - Notice of grid closure(s) GX40, GY40, HA39, HA40, HA41, HB39, HB40, HB41, HC39, HC40, HC41 2023-06-15
North Atlantic Right Whale - Notice of grid closure(s) GT37 and Notice of seasonal grid closure(s) GX39, GY39. Notice of grid re-opening(s) GW41, GW46, GX40, GX41, GX46, GY40, GY41, GY46 2023-06-14
North Atlantic Right Whale - Notice of grid closure(s) GT38, GT39, GT40, GU35, GU40, GV35, GV40, GW35, GX35 Notice of seasonal grid closure(s) GW40 2023-06-13
North Atlantic Right Whale - Notice of grid closure(s) GU36, GU37, GU38, GU39, GV36, GV37, GV38, GV39, GW36, GW37, GX36, GX37, GZ38, HA38 Notice of seasonal grid closure(s) GW38, GW39, GX38, GY38, GZ34, HA34, HB35, HB36, HB37 and Notice of grid re-opening(s) GT35, GU35, GV35 2023-06-12
North Atlantic Right Whale - Notice of seasonal grid closure(s) HA35, HA36, HA37 2023-06-09
North Atlantic Right Whale - Notice of grid re-opening(s) GW42, GX42, GY42 2023-06-07
North Atlantic Right Whale - Notice of grid closure(s) GO34, GO35, GO36, GP34, GP35, GP36, GQ34, GQ35, GQ36, HB36, HB37 and Notice of grid re-opening(s) GT36, GT37, GT38, GU36, GU37, GU38, GV36, GV37, GV38 2023-06-05
North Atlantic Right Whale - Notice of grid closure(s) GZ34, HA34, HB33, HB34, HB35 2023-06-02
North Atlantic Right Whale - Notice of seasonal grid closure(s) GW43, GX43, GY43 and Notice of grid re-opening(s) HD32, HD33, HD34, HE32, HE33, HE34, HE37, HE38, HE39, HF32, HF33, HF34, HF37, HF38, HF39, HG38, HG39 2023-06-01
North Atlantic Right Whale - Notice of grid closure(s) GW38, GW39, GW40, GW41, GW46, GX38, GX39, GX40, GX41, GX46, GY38, GY39, GY40, GY41, GY46 and Notice of seasonal grid closure(s)GW44, GW45, GX44, GX45, GY44, GY45 2023-05-31
North Atlantic Right Whales - Notice of grid closure(s) GT35, GU35, GV35, HA35, HA36, HA37, Notice of grid(s) seasonal closure GY35, GY36, GY37, GZ35, GZ36, GZ37 and Notice of grid re-opening(s) GX35, GX36, GX37 2023-05-29
North Atlantic Right Whale - Notice of grid closure(s) GW42, GX42, GY42 2023-05-24
North Atlantic Right Whale - Notice of grid closure(s) GT36, GT37, GT38, GU36, GU37, GU38, GV36, GV37, GV38 and Notice of grid re-opening(s) GW53, GW54, GW55, GX53, GX54, GX55, GY53, GY54, GY55 2023-05-23
North Atlantic Right Whale - Notice of grid closure(s) GW43, GW44, GW45, GX43, GX44, GX45, GY43, GY44, GY45, HE37, HE38, HE39, HF37, HF38, HF39, HG38, HG39 2023-05-19
North Atlantic Right Whales - Notice of grid closure(s) HD32, HD33, HD34, HE32, HE33, HE34, HF32, HF33, HF34 2023-05-18
North Atlantic Right Whale - Notice of grid closure(s) GX35, GX36, GX37, GY35, GY36, GY37, GZ35, GZ36, GZ37 2023-05-15
North Atlantic Right Whale - Notice of grid closure(s) GW53, GW54, GW55, GX53, GX54, GX55, GY53, GY54, GY55 2023-05-08
2023 traffic management measures to protect North Atlantic right whales in Canada - Transport Canada 2023-04-19
2023 fisheries management measures to protect North Atlantic right whales in Canadian waters 2023-04-04

Impacted fisheries

Some fisheries could be impacted by right whale measures:

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