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Observations écrites soumises au comité consultatif ministériel d’experts sur le DEPS

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Observations - 2016
Nom Organisation Commentaires PDF/DOC Date
  Canadian Association of Prawn Producers The Canadian Association of Prawn Producers ("CAPP"), representing frozen-at-sea ("FAS") shrimp licence-holders, opposes in the strongest terms any changes to the application of the threshold quotas and the LIFO provisions set out in the 1997 Management Plan. LIFO has been the blueprint to share the benefits from the surplus as abundance expanded and remove participants each year since 2010 as the resource contracted.
3,93 Mo 2016-05-24
Maurice E. Adams   IT IS RECOMMENDED that LIFO be abolished and that the principle of adjacency, including the economic needs of coastal fishing communities, be appropriately reflected in the design and application of all fisheries policies, tools and measures.
284,76 Ko 2016-05-25
Glen Ransom Lower North Shore Fishermen’s Association (LNSFA) We are addressing the Ministerial Advisory Panel (MAP) to request that the Last In, First Out (LIFO) policy for the access in northern shrimp be abolished. The Lower North Shore Fishermen’s Association (LNSFA) represents the fishers on the Lower North Shore of Quebec with this file. Our organization is also requesting that the sharing of the southern areas for northern shrimp, which includes SFA 6 should include the inshore fleets with fishers living in coastal communities with a strong attachment to the groundfish fishery. Fishers and coastal communities depending on marine resources with an historical attachment linked to the concerned fishing areas should be fully recognized as permanent participants.
1,54 Mo 2016-05-25
William Short   I write this letter in response to the recent controversy over the Last in First out (LIFO) policy. While I sincerely empathize with any individual or community experiencing loss or the potential of loss, I cannot allow my empathy to distract me from what is reality and what is fact. I do not wish my words to bring harm or ill- fate to any fellow Newfoundlander but I feel I have an obligation to speak out and correct any erroneous statements and comments. Thus my correspondence is merely a reminder of the facts and, hopefully, a clarification of the misinformation that has recently been widespread by the media and by other fishing industry parties who wish to distort facts in an effort to cast a shadow over the offshore shrimp industry in favour of the inshore sector.
136,80 Ko 2016-05-25
Joey Angnatok Putjotik Fisheries Ltd. My name is Joey Angnatok, an Independent Core Fisher from Nain, the most northern community in Newfoundland and Labrador. I am a Labrador Inuit boat owner and my company, Putjotik Fisheries Ltd. has been in operation since 2002. Independent fish harvesters on the north coast of Labrador are not represented by the NL based fisherman’s union, the FFAW, or by my own Nunatsiavut Government.
169,19 Ko 2016-05-26
Bruce Campbell Campbell's Ships Supplies We therefore support the continuation of the offshore deep sea shrimp fishing fleets' operations off the shores of Newfoundland & Labrador.
100,95 Ko 2016-05-26
Kim Ploughman   Our outports are the heart and soul of our province and they defined us a people. If they are left to dry up, we will no longer be who we have been since our creation; and to quote Zita Cobb, To give up would have meant that the lives of the people who came before us would have been for nothing.
299,79 Ko 2016-05-27
  Government of New Brunswick Government of New Brunswick strongly recommends maintaining the LIFO Policy to secure investor confidence and protect the viability of the offshore fleet that developed this fishery.
697,34 Ko 2016-06-03
  Newfoundland and Labrador All-Party Committee The purpose of this position paper is to provide a background of the northern shrimp fishery and its importance to Newfoundland and Labrador’s fishing industry; demonstrate the disproportionate impact of LIFO on the northern shrimp fishery; and highlight the All-Party Committee’s position and recommendations to the Panel regarding the access and allocation of the northern shrimp resource.
11,40 Mo 2016-06-03
  Baffin Fisheries BFC is a strong supporter of NWMB’s Responsible Guidelines. In the last several years few nets were lost and 100% observer coverage for shrimp nets were lost and 100% observer coverage for shrimp and OA turbot was achieved.
1,35 Mo 2016-06-03
  Ministère de l’Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l’Alimentation du Québec Le Québec considère que les diminutions des totaux autorisés de capture (TAC) qui ont eu lieu depuis 2010 ont été effectuées en vertu des politiques, des méthodologies et des principes en vigueur. Le Québec est d’avis que le gouvernement fédéral devrait respecter les modalités de gestion de cette pêche qui figurent au Plan de gestion intégré de la pêche (PGIP).
274,81 Ko 2016-06-03
  Fogo Island Cooperative Society (FIC) The Fogo Island Cooperative Society (FIC) is in a unique position to discuss LIFO and its effect on inshore harvesters and communities. As a community based processing operation its members are reliant on the plant jobs that it provides. Moreover, its owners (the harvesters) rely on the co‐op to purchase their catch. Finally, the FIC has felt firsthand the effects of the LIFO principle through the elimination of its special offshore allocation, which has been used to help support the business.
1,04 Mo 2016-06-03
Nadine Decker, Chairperson Gander - New-Wes-Valley Regional Council of the Rural Secretariat The fishery within this province, although complex, is critical to the viability of our coastal communities and region as a whole. In the past couple of years there have been significant developments regarding the Northern Shrimp Fishery. The shrimp fishery quota reductions, and the potential for more, have negatively impacted local enterprises and threaten some of our coastal communities. Please find attached a position paper (PDF 109 Ko) Northern Shrimp Fishery Quota Allocation describing, to the best of our knowledge, some historical context to the shrimp fishery and suggestions on the application and interpretation of policies governing this resource.
14,56 Ko 2015-04-20
Earle McCurdy, NDP Leader Newfoundland and Labrador New Democratic Party Thank you for the opportunity to participate in the recent Panel consultation in Gander. Please find enclosed the notes on which I based my presentation, as well as a copy of the paper dated February 1980 by DFO Economist P.R. Toews entitled The Atlantic Shrimp Fishery: Prospects for Development." I enclose this latter document, as it gives some of the early history surrounding northern shrimp allocations.
246,92 Ko 2016-06-03
  Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB) We would like to thank you for the opportunity to present the views of CFIB members during the consultation session held in St. John’s on May 25, 2016. Collectively, Newfoundland and Labrador’s small and medium-sized enterprises employ nearly half of all employees in the province, and are responsible for the bulk of new job creation. Addressing issues of importance to them can have a widespread impact on job creation and the economy.
61 Ko 2016-06-01
  Labrador Fishermen’s Union Shrimp Company Limited (LFUSCL) The plan developed for the expansion of the Northern Shrimp Fishery in 1997 was the result of consultations and careful planning in an attempt to recognize the importance of all stakeholders. This plan specified clear principles on how future allocations would be shared and at the same time offered protection to the existing seventeen licence holders. This protection was recognition for the work and effort these licence holders had expended to develop the Northern Shrimp Fishery.
226 Ko 2016-06-03
Paul Foley, Charles Mather, Barbara Neis Memorial University We are social scientists who have each spent at least 7 years conducting independent research on northern shrimp, the results of which have appeared in several reports and peer reviewed journal articles (listed at the end of this submission – all are open access). Our focus in this research has been on northern shrimp allocations and their socio-economic impact.
102 Ko 2016-06-03
Des Whelan St. John’s Board of Trade The St. John’s Board of Trade has had the opportunity over the last several years to listen and evaluate the LIFO policy specific to the Northern Shrimp Fishery. Since 2010, the Federal Government has used LIFO to implement Total Allowable Catches (TACs) reductions in the Southern Shrimp Fishing Areas (SFAs) and we see no reason, to modify or abolish an agreed upon contract between the parties involved.
331 Ko 2016-06-03
Richard Alexander, Executive Director Newfoundland and Labrador Employers’ Council The Board of Directors of the Newfoundland and Labrador Employers’ Council is a business advocacy association that lobbies to enhance the ability of employers to contribute to the economic growth and prosperity of the province. We are a member based organization and we have members involved in the fishery on both sides of the LIFO issue. Whatever the final recommendation your panel may make, we encourage you to give maximum consideration to the long-term best interest of the industry and the province’s international competitiveness.
134 Ko 2016-06-03
  Government of Nova Scotia Seafood is a critical part of Nova Scotia’s economy and is our highest export product by value. The livelihood of thousands of Nova Scotians depends on the harvest, processing, and export of seafood products. It is a core component of our rural coastal economy. Shrimp is an important part of our fishery. Nova Scotia reports the second highest shrimp landings in Canada. Nova Scotia license holders employ hundreds of year-round, well-paying jobs, investing in millions of dollars in onshore infrastructure in the form of processing facilities and logistics.
172 Ko 2016-06-03
  • Government of Nunavut (GN)
  • Nunavut Wildlife Management Board (NWMB)
  • and - Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. (NTI)
This submission is intended to supplement, and provide further details regarding, the issues and perspectives that were outlined in our presentation to the Panel at the consultation meeting held on May 10, 2016 in Iqaluit, Nunavut. It initially provides some background on the previous and current involvement of Nunavut fishing enterprises in the Northern Shrimp fishery, including the growing importance of this fishery, the significant associated investments being made by fishers, and the resulting adverse implications of any continuation of the LIFO policy.
1023 Ko 2016-06-03
  Makivik Corporation In 2010, in response to scientific research that indicated that shrimp stocks were declining in southern Shrimp Fishing Area (SFA) of the Northern shrimp fishery, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) imposed Total Allowable Catch (TAC) reductions to ensure the protection of the fishery. To determine how this reduction would be applied to the fishery, DFO implemented the “Last In - First Out” (LIFO) policy. According to LIFO principles, should TAC levels fall to a specified threshold within a fishery, the most recent entrants to that fishery should be first to leave. As a result of the application of the LIFO policy by the Minister, these actions have resulted in a near halving of the inshore fleet’s peak allocation of 76,000t.
672 Ko 2016-06-03
  Torngat Wildlife Plants & Fisheries Secratariat Thank you for inviting us to participate in this important and timely advisory process. This document represents the Torngat Joint Fisheries Board’s (TJFB or the “Board”) submission to DFO’s external advisory process conducted by the Ministerial Advisory Panel (MAP) to examine the Last-in, First-out (LIFO) policy in the Northern Shrimp Fishery. The Board would like to provide their perspectives on the modification of the LIFO policy and provide suggestions on what constitutes an appropriate access and allocation regime for the Northern Shrimp fishery.
4,23 Mo 2016-06-03
Cecil Clarke, Mayor Cape Breton Regional Municipality The Cape Breton Regional Municipality (CBRM) is concerned the Federal Government is conducting a Ministerial Advisory Panel to review the LIFO Quota Allocation Policy in the Northern Shrimp Fishery. CBRM opposes any changes to long existing rules for threshold operators and LIFO provisions as set out in management plans since 1997.
260 Ko 2016-06-03
  NunatuKavut Community Council (NCC) This submission by the NunatuKavut Community Council (NCC) on the Last in First Out (LIFO) Policy and for fairness and meaningful participation in the Northern Shrimp Fishery contains the essential elements of submissions to Minister Tootoo in early 2016. This version is revised and brings greater focus on the Minister’s Advisory Panel on LIFO in the Northern Shrimp Fishery. The NCC has chosen to use the word aboriginal in this document as it is consistent with DFO’s usage.
2,84 Mo 2016-06-03
Brian McNamara, President Newfound Resources Limited My name is Brian McNamara, President of Newfound Resources Ltd and owner of the offshore shrimp vessel Newfound Pioneer. Our head office is in St. John's and we operate from the port of Bay Roberts in Newfoundland. I appreciate the opportunity to address to the Panel on such a very important subject and I hope that by relaying some of my experience and knowledge collected over 30 years as a white-collar fisherman in the northern shrimp industry that I can contribute to and assist with, even if in a small way, the Panel's very difficult task at hand.
686 Ko 2016-05-31
Lyndon Small, President Newfoundland and Labrador Independent Fish Harvesters Association The purpose of this document is to present the opposition of the Newfoundland and Labrador Independent Fish Harvesters Association (NLIFHA) to the Last‐in‐First‐Out (LIFO) principle as it relates to the northern shrimp fishery. Our organization represents enterprise owners in the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) Division 3K with vessels greater than 40’ length overall. Our harvesters have significant interests in one of the most important shrimp fishing grounds in Canada (Shrimp Fishing Area 6). The application of LIFO has had direct ramifications to our harvesters, resulting in significant quota declines. For instance, from 2012 to 2015, our share of the Area 6 quota has declined by almost 18%, from 13,400MT to 11,009MT. Over the same time period, the offshore allocation in Area 6 has declined by less than 9% from 18,145MT to 16,559MT.
237 Ko 2016-06-01
  Northern Coalition The roots of the organization can be traced back to 1996 when the science on the Northern Shrimp resource suggested a strong healthy resource that should be substantially increased. All groups owned or had an interest in a Northern Shrimp licence and believed that licences located directly adjacent to the resource should receive a greater share of the anticipated quota increases.
160 Ko 2016-06-03
Lewis Creed, President PEI Atlantic Shrimp Corp. Inc. Enclosed is a submission from the PEI Atlantic Shrimp Corporation (PDF 194 Ko) to the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans Ministerial Advisory Panel on the Last In, First Out (LIFO) policy specific to the Northern shrimp fishery.
72 Ko 2016-06-01
  Qikiqtaaluk Corporation The enclosed document outlines Qikiqtaaluk Corporation’s (QC) submission to the Ministerial Advisory Panel (MAP) established to provide advice to the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans on whether the Last In, First Out (LIFO) policy specific to the Northern shrimp fishery should be continued, modified or abolished.
1,96 Mo 2016-06-01
Ronald Johnson   The above changes will bring the North Coast where it should have been since 2003, if the long standing DFO Sharing Principals, New Access Framework and The Criteria were followed. Northern Labrador deserves fair treatment, and this will not be taking away from others but will be bringing back what has been borrowed for the last 13 years.
162 Ko 2016-06-03
John Jamieson, Deputy Minister Agriculture and Fisheries, Prince Edward Island Until conditions exist for this stock's return to higher levels, PEI government's position is to respect the terms of the initial conditions when the stock was increasing.
80 Ko 2016-06-01
  Quinsea Fisheries Ltd. We recognize the Ministerial Advisory Panel (the Panel) will have some challenges in developing recommendations for the Minister, and we hope that our unique perspective may offer some balance to your recommendations. The Panel is well aware of the history of the fishery and heard different positions from different sectors. Each of them with their own views, but all of them with one thing in common, THEY HAVE BENEFITTED FOR AT LEAST 20 YEARS FROM ACCESS TO NORHTERN SHRIMP.
510 Ko 2016-06-03
  Torngat Fish Producers Co-operative Society, Limited Torngat Fish Producers Co-operative Society, Limited (Torngat) is an aboriginal co-operative incorporated in 1980 by fishers and plant workers from communities of the northern coastal Labrador. We continue to operate processing facilities in the land of Nunatsiavut.
158 Ko 2016-06-03
Patrice Element Association des Capitaines Propriétaires de la Gaspésie Inc. ACPG asks the minister to abolish the LIFO policy in area 6, and award all quotas to inshore fishermen. This is the decision that DFO must make in the best interests of NFLD communities, NFLD and Quebec fishermen, and the industry.
123 Ko 2016-06-07
Winston Fiander Fisheries Community Alliance of NL I am confident that your panel in reporting to the Minister and Canadians will live up to Prime Minister Trudeau’s wishes, which are articulated in Minister Tootoo’s mandate letter as follows: “If we are to tackle the real challenges we face as a country – from a struggling middle class to the threat of climate change – Canadians need to have faith in their government’s honesty and willingness to listen. I expect that our work will be informed by performance measurement, evidence, and feedback from Canadians. We will direct our resources to those initiatives that are having the greatest, positive impact on the lives of Canadians, and that will allow us to meet our commitments to them. I expect you to report regularly on your progress toward fulfilling our commitments and to help develop effective measures that assess the impact of the organizations for which you are answerable.”
123 Ko 2016-06-01
Edwin Heard sr., Chair Cartwright Aboriginal Fishers We are a group of aboriginal inshore fishermen located with our homes in Cartwright, which is located in SFA5, on the coast of Labrador. Our very existence is owed to the commercial fishery with northern shrimp being a large component of this. We wish to express our concern and dissatisfaction with DFO policy regarding resource allocation, specifically as it pertains to northern shrimp.
45 Ko 2016-05-21
  Caramer ltée
Les pêches hauturières Lamèque ltée (Lamèque Offshore)
Membres de CAPP (Canadian Association of Prawn Producers), les détenteurs de permis du Nouveau-Brunswick souscrivent à la présentation qu’elle (CAPP) présente au Comité consultatif ministériel. Nous prions le panel de se référer à la présentation de CAPP, notamment en ce qui a trait à l’historique du développement de la pêche de la crevette du Nord et aux caractéristiques propres à l’exercice de la pêche hauturière dans les zones de pêche de la crevette 0 à 6.
160 Ko 2016-06-10
Fish, Food & Allied Workers
The Last-In, First-Out (LIFO) policy that the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) uses to allocate the northern shrimp resource is threatening to quickly destroy the economies of large areas of rural Newfoundland and Labrador. In the space of a few years, LIFO, if maintained, will quickly undo almost 20 years of economic recovery and growth in rural NL.
2,64 Mo 2016-06-03
Ron Johnson Pikalujak Fisheries Pikalujak fisheries Limited a NL incorporated company. In 1987 the Labrador Inuit Development Corporation (LIDC) and National Sea were granted a northern shrimp licence.
40 Ko 2016-05-31
Gabe Gregory Quinlan Brothers Limited The following written submission to the Ministerial Advisory Panel on Northern Shrimp is submitted on behalf of Quinlan Brothers Limited, Bay de Verde, NL. As you may be aware the company suffered a tragic loss of its processing facility in April, 2016 and the Company officials have been totally preoccupied dealing with the loss.
2,07 Mo 2016-06-02

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