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Introduction to stock assessment

Unit 1.1: Canada's approach to fisheries science


Two field technicians collecting data by electrofishing.
Photo credit: DFO

As a science-based department, scientific integrity is essential to the work of DFO and its employees. It is critical for:

  • planning and conducting research and monitoring
  • producing and applying science advice
  • decision making

DFO recognizes that stakeholder trust in the research and scientific information provided by governments depends on the integrity of its production, management, and communication, as well as trust in the decision-making processes that use such information. DFO scientists and researchers must uphold and conform to standards of excellence accepted by the wider scientific community and Indigenous Peoples. Discussions based on differing interpretations of research and scientific evidence are a legitimate and necessary part of the process.

DFO's scientific research, associated products, and communications are to be conducted free from political and commercial interference from clients and stakeholders.

In the absence of clear and compelling reasons to limit disclosure, information produced by DFO is made available to the public in a timely manner, accurately representing and appropriately acknowledging the contributions of others.

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