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Engagement on the science-based whale review

Engagement on the science-based whale review: A summary of what was heard, March 2018

Engagement on the science-based whale review: A summary of what was heard, March 2018 (PDF, 1.28 MB)

A summary of what was heard
March 2018

Engagement on the Science-based Whale Review
A Summary of What was Heard

Prepared by the consortium of Nielsen, Delaney + Associates, PubliVate.
Contract #: FP918-17-0001

Ce document est également disponible en français.

Table of Contents

4. Summary of What We Heard

4.1 Who Did We Hear From?

A total of 117 groups or organizations and 182 individuals participated in the regional in person/webinar meetings. An additional 31 written submissions were received as follow-up to those meetings. See Appendix A for details on Who We Heard From.

A total of 893 individuals registered to participate in the online engagement Let's Talk Whales (for all three endangered whale populations), of which:

Most people who provided their feedback online self-identified as general public (see Figure 3). When asked to self-rate how well-informed they were on each of the threats, most people felt they were informed to some degree. Ninety percent of respondents were either actively engaged in the issues (16%), felt well-informed (46%), or that they knew some facts (28%) (see Figure 4). Footnote 8

In addition, close to 2000 written submissions were received from the general public. Most of these submissions (over 85%) were e-mails sent to Fisheries and Oceans Canada as part of environmental non-governmental organization campaigns to increase engagement (Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society, David Suzuki Foundation, and Georgia Straight Alliance). These e-mails were copies of form letters created by the campaigns; in some cases, respondents added their own feedback to the form letter. Environmental non-governmental organizations also posted ideas on the Ideas Forum.

Figure 3. Profile of People Who Provided Feedback Online

Figure 3. Profile of People Who Provided Feedback Online

Figure 4. How Well-Informed Did Online Respondents Feel about the Threats to the Endangered Whale Populations (self-rated)

Figure 4. How Well-Informed Did Online Respondents Feel about the Threats to the Endangered Whale Populations (self-rated) Footnote 9

4.2 Understanding the Findings

The two main components of the engagement strategy were designed as complementary and therefore provide different types of feedback:

Therefore, results of the Phase 2 engagement process should be viewed as a mosaic of opinions from a range of people, from those with a high level of in-depth expert knowledge on the issues through to people new to the issues who were interested enough to visit the online portal, respond to the surveys and offer their own ideas.

The findings from the engagement of governments, Indigenous groups and stakeholders and the public engagement were analyzed separately, as was the regional or whale-specific feedback. The analysis took into consideration that:

Caution is needed in reviewing the results of the in person/webinar meetings and public online engagement. The online engagement was not designed to yield results that would be representative of the Canadian population. In person/webinar participation generally was impacted by the short timelines and the timing of the engagement session (i.e., over the summer).

4.3 How the Following Sections are Organized

Sections 5 to 9 each focus on one of the major threats to the endangered whale populations identified in Phase 1:

Each section includes a brief description of the threat and feedback on priority management actions Footnote 10 received from meetings, written submissions, and via the online portal (Let's Talk Whales). Feedback is organized by a summary of key themes (for the whale populations affected by the threat) and by what we heard from Indigenous groups, Government and other stakeholders, and the general public.

Section 10, Conclusions - Feedback on Readiness to Move Forward, presents common themes that apply to all three endangered whale populations and that have implications for the federal government and all regions across Canada.

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