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Introduction to stock assessment

Unit 4.1: Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat

A group of people looking at documents together

Photo credit: Shutterstock

Science advice is generated from stock assessments to inform decision making. Science advice may include information on stock status and the potential consequences of taking different management actions to sustain or rebuild the stock as needed. Fisheries management decisions are made by integrating the science advice with:

  • socio-economic considerations
  • fishery policies
  • Rights-holder and stakeholder engagement
  • Indigenous Ways of Knowing
  • other cultural considerations

The Canadian Stock Assessment Secretariat was formed in 1997 to provide advice related to stock status and trends in support of management of commercial fisheries. In 2001, the Secretariat was renamed to the Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat (CSAS) and is responsible for coordinating the development of DFO's peer-reviewed science advice, including outputs generated by stock assessments. The high-quality science developed through the CSAS peer review process ensures that consultations with Rights-holders, stakeholders, and advisory bodies proceed from a shared and reliable information base. Scientific integrity and objectivity are critical elements of all stages of the CSAS process, including:

  • planning
  • development of scientific documents
  • peer review meetings
  • dissemination of science advice
Two hands typing on a keyboard

Photo credit: Shutterstock

CSAS documents that have been peer reviewed are published online. There are 3 different series of CSAS publications currently produced:

  1. Science Advisory Reports document peer-reviewed science advice achieved through consensus at peer review meetings
  2. Research Documents are scientific and technical, describing peer-reviewed scientific studies and analyses. Research documents are based on working papers that are produced and circulated for review before peer review meetings
  3. Science Responses document peer-reviewed science advice for urgent and unforeseen CSAS processes or when a full advisory meeting is not required because the issue can be addressed through the application of an existing advisory framework through peer review meetings

Elements of the CSAS process are continuously reviewed to ensure excellence, transparency, national consistency and continuous innovation. Please note that the policies linked in this training may be updated.

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