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Review of the Effectiveness of Recovery Measures for St. Lawrence Estuary Beluga

Sources of information

Review of the Effectiveness of Recovery Measures for St. Lawrence Estuary Beluga

Review of the Effectiveness of Recovery Measures for St. Lawrence Estuary Beluga (PDF, 1.26 MB)

Table of Contents

3. Sources of information

The Recovery Strategy for SLE beluga was published in 2012 (DFO 2012). The Recovery Strategy outlines the interim recovery goal for the species, recovery objectives, broad strategies, and recovery measures that should be implemented to achieve recovery, as well as performance indicators to define and measure progress toward achieving the population and distribution objectives. In addition to this SARA recovery document, an Action Plan to address noise issues in the St. Lawrence Estuary, which is under development and is to be posted in 2017, was also consulted for the development of this review. Other sources of information used include primarily scientific primary literature, and reports from DFO and other departments or agencies of the Government of Canada.

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