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Review of the Effectiveness of Recovery Measures for St. Lawrence Estuary Beluga

Appendix 1

Review of the Effectiveness of Recovery Measures for St. Lawrence Estuary Beluga

Review of the Effectiveness of Recovery Measures for St. Lawrence Estuary Beluga (PDF, 1.26 MB)

Table of Contents

Appendix 1. Time series available to document the evolution of threat, and effects on SLE beluga or other components of the ecosystem.

Threat Data type Start date End date Lead
Contaminant levels in beluga 1983 On-Going Academia, DFO
Insufficient information available at the time of the review for contaminant levels in biological or physical components other than beluga ECCC, DFO
Insufficient information available at the time of the review from existing monitoring programs under the responsibility of ECCC (e.g., water quality, sediment) ECCC
Noise levels in the beluga habitat (various stations) 2003 On-going DFO
Volume of merchant ship traffic (AIS) 2012 On-going TC, DFO, Academia
volume of merchant ship traffic (other data sources, e.g., number of trips assigned to pilots) 2003 On-going TC, DFO
Whale-watching trips in the SSLMP 1993 On-going PC
Whale-watching trips outside of the SSLMP On-going DFO
Percentage of whale-watching excursions targeting beluga 2003 On-going
Infractions to SSLMP regulations 2003 On-going PC
Recreation boating activities in the SSLMP and outside its limits 2003 On-going PC, municipalities
Co-occurrence of beluga at the Saguenay Fjord mouth and at Baie-Ste-Marguerite 2003 On-going PC
Compliance with voluntary measures to reduce ship speed and avoid certain areas within the SSLMP 2012 On-going Academia, PC, G2T3M
SLE beluga
Abundance estimates (photographic aerial surveys) 1988 On-going DFO
Abundance estimates (visual aerial surveys) 2001 On-going DFO
Extent of summer distribution, and habitat use 1988 On-going DFO
Number of deaths (and age-, sex- structure) 1983 On-going DFO, RQUMM, and various other institutions (e.g., academia, aquaria and federal departments and agencies)
Causes of death (intoxication, cancers, infections, etc.) 1983 On-going DFO, FMV
Diet (digestive tracts) 1983 On-going DFO
Diet and trophic role (chemical tracers FA, SI) 1988 On-going DFO
Ecosystem structure and functioning (isotopes in key invertebrate and fish species) 1994 On-going DFO
Index of recruitment (photographic surveys) 1988 On-going DFO
Index of recruitment (beluga herd follows) 1989 On-going ENGOs (GREMM)
Harmful algal bloom
Harmful algal blooms in the Lower SLE (4-5 stations, including Tadoussac) 1995 On-going DFO
Collision risk and entanglements
via necropsy program 1983 On-going PC, RQUMM
via reports to Parks Canada 1994 On-going PC
Environmental data
Sea-ice extent and duration at least 1971 On-going DFO
Physical oceanographic parameters at least 1971 On-going DFO
Commercial species landings, index of abundance, distribution, condition, but mostly for the Gulf of St. Lawrence, not the SLE varies according to species On-going DFO
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