Appendix IV: Tables - Years covered: 2003, 2004 and 2005
Section 1 - Fisheries and the Canadian economy
1.1.1 Contribution of fisheries to the gross domestic product by industry sector and province1.1.2 Fishing-related employment by industry and province
1.1.3 Per capita annual consumption of seafood and meat, selected countries
1.2.1 Commercial marine fisheries, number of core and non-core enterprises, by province, Atlantic Region
1.2.2 Number of licences by major marine fisheries, Atlantic Region
1.2.3 Number of licences by major marine fisheries, Pacific Region
1.2.4 Number of registered fishing vessels by vessel length, province and region
Section 2 - Canada's position among the world's fisheries
2.1.1 Landed volume of world marine and freshwater fisheries by top 30 countries2.2.1 Volume of world aquaculture production by top 30 countries
2.2.2 Volume of world aquaculture production by ISSCAAP groups and major country groups
2.3.1 Value of world seafood exports by top 30 countries
2.3.2 Value of world seafood imports by top 30 countries
2.3.3 Value of world seafood exports by ISSCAAP groups and major country groups
2.3.4 Value of world seafood imports by ISSCAAP groups and major country groups
Section 3 - Commercial fisheries and aquaculture
3.1.1 Landed value by species, commercial marine fisheries, Canada3.1.2 Landed volume by species, commercial marine fisheries, Canada
3.1.3 Landed price by species, commercial marine fisheries, Canada
3.1.4 Landed value by province and species
3.1.5 Landed volume by province and species
3.1.6 Landed price by province and species
3.1.7 Landed value by gear type
3.1.8 Landed volume by gear type
3.1.9 Landed value by vessel length
3.1.10 Landed volume by vessel length
3.1.11 Landed value by province, species and gear type
3.1.12 Landed volume by province, species and gear type
3.1.13 Landed volume and value by species and vessel length
3.1.14 Landed volume and value by ports of landing
3.1.15 Number of active vessels by length, province and region
3.1.16 Average value of landings by vessel length, province and region
3.2.1 Freshwater fisheries landed volume and value by species and province
3.3.1 Value and volume of Canadian aquaculture production
Section 4 - International Trade (fish and seafood products)
4.1.1 Canadian exports by top 30 countries of destination, fish and seafood products4.1.2 Canadian imports by top 30 countries of origin, fish and seafood products
4.1.3 Canadian exports by fishery product groups, fish and seafood products
4.1.4 Canadian imports by fishery product groups, fish and seafood products
4.1.5 Canadian exports by province / territory and top 5 species, fish and seafood products
4.1.6 Canadian imports by province / territory and top 5 species, fish and seafood products
4.1.7 Canadian exports by province / territory and top 5 countries of destination, fish and seafood products
4.1.8 Canadian imports by province / territory and top 5 countries of origin, fish and seafood products
4.1.9 Canadian exports by province / territory and top 15 fishery product groups, fish and seafood products
4.1.10 Canadian imports by province / territory and top 15 fishery product groups, fish and seafood products
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